Your Position: Home - Aluminum Composite Panels - 6.4mm (1/4") Aluminium Honeycomb; 10mm, 15mm, 20mm
High performance aluminium honeycomb core material exactly as supplied to the world's top composites engineering, aerospace and motorsport manufacturers.
Zhuzao supply professional and honest service.
Used correctly, aluminium honeycomb can be used to reduce the weight and increase the stiffness of composite panels in a wide range of applications:
This medium 6.4mm / 1/4" cell size honeycomb is an excellent 'all rounder' honeycomb suitable for a wide range of applications including motorsport, marine, renewable energy and transport. The 6.4mm / 1/4" cell size is a good balance between strength, weight and cost making this our most popular aluminium honeycomb.
How to Buy
The honeycomb listed on this page is available in 10mm, 15mm and 20mm thicknesses. Please choose the thickness you require from the options at the top of the page.
Sheets are available in blocks which will expand to a full sheet size of mm x mm or to a smaller sheet size of mm x 652mm. Please choose the sheet size you require from the drop-down list at the top of the page.
We also stock in 1/8"e; cell size aluminium honeycomb and 3/4" cell size aluminium honeycomb.
Expanded Sheet Sizes
We stock and ship all our aluminium honeycomb in unexpanded (block) form. This makes them much smaller and more cost effective to ship but also, importantly, ensures that they are delivered undamaged, ready to be easily expanded into a faultless sheet of honeycomb.
Expanding the Aluminium Honeycomb
IMPORTANT - wear gloves before handling the block.
Commonly Aluminium Honeycomb is supplied as an unexpanded block. This is for two reasons, firstly because expanded honeycomb would be expensive to ship, and secondly because in its expanded un-stabilised form, the honeycomb is very susceptible to damage and would unlikely survive transport intact.
In large scale manufacturing, a specialist expanding machine is used to expand the honeycomb. However, for smaller applications and one off jobs, such machinery is prohibitively expensive and large thus an alternative method is needed. The aim of this guide is to show you a simple method that can be used to successfully expand the sheet by hand.
Equipment needed
You will need 2 wooden battens, both as wide as the sheet you are expanding and stiff enough not to flex too much. 2 by 4 wooden battens are usually ideal and easily obtained. You will also need a bag of wood nails. They need to be long enough so that they can go through both the wooden batten and still protrude enough to go through the honeycomb.
For cutting honeycomb you need a steel ruler and a sharp Stanley type knife with a blade long enough to cut through the honeycomb to its full thickness in one go.
Making tools to aid expansion
Take one of the battens and mark out a series of dots on the wood along the battens length spaced at approximately 50mm intervals.
Once marked, hammer the nails through the dots marked on the batten (taking care nothing is underneath!). The final result should be a batten with regular nails poking through.
Repeat for the second batten so you have two identical battens with nails sticking out.
You now just need a flat surface to work on and an assistant to help you expand the honeycomb.
Expanding the honeycomb
The first step is to lay the honeycomb onto a flat surface and by hand tease out gently the first few cells. Take care as you work across the sheet to ensure you do not pull too much out in one go as otherwise the honeycomb will kink making it harder to work.
The reason for expanding the first few cells by hand is to give the nails enough material to pull out the sheet without just ripping through the cells at the edge. The sheets are deliberately cut oversize to allow a little waste at each end due to expansion.
Repeat on the other side of the honeycomb.
At this stage you will need an assistant. Insert the batten tools into each side of the honeycomb. With one person holding each batten, slowly apply tension to expand the honeycomb.
If you find it is just ripping through the cells you have teased out by hand, then stop, pull out a few more cells by hand then start the process again. Expect the cells at the edge to distort and stretch as the sheet expands.
As you build up tension the honeycomb will begin to expand. Be careful you dont put on too much force and distort excessively the honeycomb as it expands. Gentle but firm is the method to use.
Continue to apply the tension to the battens to expand the whole sheet, taking care as it expands to keep the sheet as straight as possible. Once you are happy the honeycomb has been expanded sufficiently, then you can remove the battens and then use the honeycomb for your project.
Cutting the honeycomb
You will need a sharp Stanley type knife and a metal ruler. The blade needs to be long enough to cut the cell foils in one action for the chosen thickness of honeycomb.
The method is relatively simple. Measure the sheet out and use the metal rule as the cutting edge. Working from one side of the planned cut, individually cut through each cell foil from top to bottom using the knife. You need to ensure each foil is fully cut before moving onto the next one, so that when you try to separate the honeycomb, it comes apart neatly and doesnt catch or distort the cells.
Do not attempt to cut across the honeycomb in one go as it is easy to tear and distort the cells as you drag the knife blade across the honeycomb.
Have you ever wondered if you can get sturdiness, strength, design, and usability all in one material? An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is the one for you. It is equipped with all the features of the best material for your cleanrooms, buildings, windows, industries, pharmaceutical clean room companies, and research laboratories.
As it comes in pre-made sheets it greatly helps you reduce the construction time and also increases the productivity of your applications. Due to its lightweight and easily manageable body, you can cut down on the labor and installation cost.
With features like fire resistance, soundproofing, corrosion resistance, and moisture resistance, it significantly decreases the risk of damage thus making it a one-time investment that serves to be beneficial for many years.
You cannot expect acoustic resistance and fire resistance in any other material and therefore you must choose wisely. The maintenance and cleanliness is also an essential factor to obtain high efficiency.
One must have enough knowledge of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel so that it can be maintained well and valued. This article has everything you need to know. So lets get started.
Corrosion Resistance Aluminum Honeycomb Panel
1.What is an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
2.What are the Excellent Features of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
3.What are the Specifications of an Average Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
4.What are the Common Applications of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
5.What is the Purpose of Constructing an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
6.What are the Qualities of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
7.What are the Raw Materials used in the Construction of Aluminum Honeycomb Panels?
8.What are Some Basic Terms used for an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
9.What are the Most Common Types of a Honeycomb Panel other than an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
10.How can you Determine the Lifespan of your Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
11.What are the Cell Configurations in an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
12.What is Meant by Failure of Core in an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
13.What is Sandwich Fabrication in an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
14.What are the Advantages of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
15.Why should you Choose an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel for your Cleanrooms?
16.What are the Conventional Cleaning Products for Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
17.What are the Common Cleaning Processes for your Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
18.What is the Typical Cleaning Procedure for your Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is a strong structure that has a metal or thin paper-like material core. On each side of the core, there is a composite face or metallic sheet which makes a sandwich with the core.
It is greatly used in aerospace, automobile, and space structures because of its high stiffness and increased strength-to-weight ratio.
The face sheets of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel give shear strength in T and W directions. Whereas the core gives high compressive strength in the T direction. Overall the assembly has great usability and is extremely reliable.
An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is usually modeled as a homogeneous structure and it greatly increases the productivity of your application while keeping low on the maintenance cost.
There is an extensive range of models, sizes, and types available in the market, you can decide according to your application.
Sunnyda Aluminum Honeycomb Panel
The major features of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel are described below:
Lightweight Aluminum Honeycomb Panel
The specifications of an average Aluminum Honeycomb Panel are written below:
Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Specifications
The common applications of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel are listed down below:
Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Applications
The purpose of constructing an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is to obtain a sturdy and safe material for various applications. It is helpful for the basic architecture of a building and ensures 100% convenience.
Over time, the paint on the buildings starts to wear off. The normal metallic exterior also starts corroding and rusting. Even if there is no direct contact with chemicals or water, the metal surface starts to get damaged due to the moisture in the air.
Also, just the paint or the metal is not sufficient to make a building safe and fireproof. Such buildings can undergo fire and they can get out of control.
The fire resistance property of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel helps to make the building secure.
If there is no insulation, noise cancellation is not possible. This can be very disturbing in places where there is a lot of nuisance.
The overall look of a building is quite elevated with an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel. You cannot obtain this sophisticated and low-maintenance look without it. It has a little cost of maintenance and replacement.
The installation and mounting are also quite easy and simple. This is the reason it is preferred over any other material, especially for the exterior.
You can do it yourself as well, but referring to an expert would be a great idea because, in this way, you can reduce the installation time.
An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel has numerous qualities which make it a preferable material for a wide range of applications.
As a general rule, these panels have the following attributes:
The raw materials used in the manufacturing process of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel are very simple. The main materials are aluminum alloy, a strong adhesive, and a core made up of aluminum foil in a honeycomb configuration.
The aluminum foil has high flexibility and can be easily bent. Therefore, it is configured into a honeycomb shape. The hexagonal array gives the added strength to the structure.
The stable performance of the Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is also due to the arrangement in the core.
Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Raw Material
The basic terms which are used for Aluminum Honeycomb Panel are as follows:
A honeycomb unit on its own is called a cell. It usually has six sides and a well-defined hexagonal shape.
Cell size is referred to as the distance between two opposite sides of a hexagon. It is usually uniform in a structure.
The density is known as the weight of one cubic meter of core expressed in units of kilograms. It can also be calculated in pounds per cubic foot.
Between the two adjacent sheets, the bonded part is called the node. It is the point where two sheets meet.
The material which is used to make a honeycomb. It is just like a flat sheet.
The thickness of the free wall is known as the foil thickness.
The direction of the core is parallel to the openings of the cell.
The expansion direction of the core.
The ribbon direction of the core is known as the L direction.
The bonded sheets together as a solid block are called HOBE, which stands for honeycomb before expansion.
Each type has its benefits and drawbacks. They all differ in terms of composition and use. The sizes and other properties may also vary.
The most common types of a honeycomb panel other than Aluminum Honeycomb Panel are listed down below;
However, you can make a honeycomb structure from any thin material. There is a choice if choosing the right material so that you can obtain the desired properties.
Fiberglass Aluminum Honeycomb Panel
To determine the lifespan of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel, you must calculate the following things:
The greater the stiffness, the greater will be a strength. As the core has a hexagonal arrangement of aluminum foil, the structure is quite stiff.
It is quite resistant to mechanical damage because the core is strong enough to resist any compression. The sides are already compressed and cannot accommodate any more pressure.
The strength can also be determined through shedding which is zero in an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel. This makes it very useful for applications such as cleanrooms.
Other properties like molecular weight, tensile strength, thermal expansion, and thermal conductivity are also important.
The cell configurations are given down below:
Hexagon is the most common cell shape seen in the Aluminum Honeycomb Panel. Flex core and square shapes are also very popular. Some of the variations are considered to be overused.
If it has brazed cores the. It will most likely be in square cells configuration. However, if it is strongly bonded and welded to the core, it must be having a hexagonal shape.
The cylinder is formed in the L direction. The hexagonal arrangement in an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel cannot be curved easily and therefore it is rolled.
Rolling is also done by applying heat. This process is called roll forming or heat forming.
Flex core is for the situation when honeycomb shall be formed with compound curves. This is so that this configuration can be wrapped around small spherical-shaped structures which look like a baseball.
The elastic modulus and Poissons ratio are not affected by cell wall thickness and non-uniformity of the structure.
Recommended article:If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Honeycomb Aluminium Sheet.
Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Core Configuration
An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is loaded in a plane direction. It has to face both shearing and compression during this process.
When it is compressed, there is buckling of honeycomb cell walls from both ends of the face sheets. There is a rotation of the wall due to which shearing occurs and it occurs in combined loading conditions.
The effect of both the quasi-static and loading on honeycomb has been observed after a successful series of experiments.
The loading velocity does not have any considerable effect on the rotational angle of the core. Thus the forced displacement curve dynamic and static loading conditions are almost the same.
There are increased plateau stresses when the velocity is increased. In the light of experiments, it has also been observed that the regular crush strength is lower than the compressive loads. It is done under combined shear and compressive loads.
Thus an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is always along the T direction in pure compression.
The adhesives and core facings are the major basic components of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel core.
However, the material of the face sheets can either be a metal or a composite prepreg.
Although resins are not necessarily required for composite prepreg bonds when it comes to aluminum, you do need a strong adhesive material that can bind the metal to the core tightly.
The common methods for bonding are vacuum bagging, presses, and autoclaving. If there are any curved parts, vacuum bagging and autoclaving are preferred.
The major basic components of the sandwich panel are adhesives, facings, and core material. Face sheets can be made up of metal or composite prepreg.
The temperature of the autoclave us either 121°C or 177°C cure cycle for 1 hour after a heat-up rate of 1.1-
2.2°C per minute. And the pressure is around 0.48 MPa.
The pressure applied for metallic facings such as aluminum depends on the compressive strength of the core. As honeycomb cores cannot take any pressures from the side, they must be dealt with care.
You can also use seals on each side so that the honeycomb does not cave inward. This will lead to the destruction of the whole assembly.
Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Sandwich Configuration
You can introduce the features of your own choice and make it even more advantageous for your application.
However, the following are the most common advantages of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel:
Fireproof Aluminum Honeycomb Panel
In the case of PIR, PUR, and mineral fiber panels, there is extreme shedding and therefore spores are released into the environment of the cleanroom.
This contamination shatters the purpose of a cleanroom and installing a panel in the cleanroom since these particles can hinder normal functioning.
In this case, the cleanroom has to be thoroughly cleaned. For this purpose, it has to be shut down and vacuumed properly. It is extensively cleaned and all the air systems and air vents are cleaned in detail.
An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is very much resistant to damage. Whether the damage is mechanical or chemical, it is quite sturdy to withstand the damage.
It has a very high crush strength which means that a lot of weight, force, and momentum would be required to damage the surface.
If any other panel undergoes mechanical damage, it has to be completely replaced. This causes many other problems and delays in the cleanroom.
But if this happens, you can simply reskin the surface to fill the panel again. Also, it is resistant to moisture and corrosive chemicals unless the chemicals are too corrosive.
There is a tolerance limit but usually, it can stand acids and alkalis, and therefore, it is reliable for applications such as industries and pharmaceuticals.
Along with many benefits, the Aluminum Honeycomb Panel comes at a very reasonable price and gives perfect value for money.
It is a great investment for your business since it increases productivity and reduces any error and that too, in less time.
It also helps you cut down on the workforce and saves you from the hassle of hiring and paying more and more employees.
You dont have to pack the materials to be transferred and then carry them manually to the other place. This also reduces the chances of error. Therefore you get accurate and precise results.
Listed below are a few reasons why you should go for an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel:
It provides a superior and more consistent strength throughout the whole panel. You dont have to fear any mechanical damage or crush blow to the surface. The core is sufficient enough to support the face sheets.
As it is aluminum, the weight of the panel is quite reasonable. This helps in transporting and handling. Also, the transport and installation cost is reduced as it involves less labor.
It has a quite safe, simple, and easy installation. As it comes in pre-made sheets, it does not require much effort to be installed. Carrying and handling is also not a problem due to low weight.
Also, it decreases the construction time and therefore you must invest in it. The cost of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel can compensate for the time it saves.
As it is prefabricated, you dont have to spend hours cutting and then assembling the whole structure. It not only saves energy but also saves time. You can just pick out the size according to your application.
Prefabricated Aluminum Honeycomb Panel for Clean Room
Fragile and heavy materials cannot be used in any way. The architects and the designers have to think a lot before using such materials.
An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is lightweight and has high strength and therefore people prefer it for buildings and other applications.
An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel must be cleaned properly so that it has a long life and serves its purpose well.
Back in the years, it was cleaned manually and flammable solvents were used extensively. Another technique known as vapor degreasing was also used.
It was done with chemicals such as perchloroethylene or trichloroethylene.
However, there are newer products consisting of bi solvents which are much more beneficial than the conventional methods.
There has been observed an improvement of 13-20 percent when a bi solvent cleaner is used.
Also, it increases the peel strength of the Aluminum Honeycomb Panel which is otherwise compromised in the case of manual cleaning which is done with acetone.
Vacuuming is also a good technique to get rid of solid particulate matter. It is necessary to pay attention to the joints and corners where the dirt tends to accumulate.
The cleaning processes for an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel are numerous. You must select the one that suits your application and is convenient for you:
High vapor pressure solvents such as methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, mineral spirits, and toluene are used in manual cleaning. This was a traditional method and people were doing this for many years.
New methods have displaced it now but it is still used in some low-budget places.
Chemicals such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), n-propyl bromide, and other chlorinated solvents are used for this cleaning purpose.
The chlorinated solvents include perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene. It is also a convenient method but it requires a little effort since it has a safety hazard.
The pressure of water can also be used for deep cleaning purposes. This method is also called aqueous cleaning.
The pressure of water takes all the contaminants with it. It can also scrape off any dirt or debris.
Easy to Clean Aluminum Honeycomb Panel
The typical cleaning procedure for an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel involves manual cleaning with acetone. This procedure is even carried out at the manufacturing unit.
The surface is manually cleaned with acetone and then all the components are assembled. This step involves aluminum skins and a strong adhesive to hold the skin tight to the core.
To understand the efficiency of the manual procedure with acetone, an experiment was carried out. Six Aluminum Honeycomb Panel samples were dusted with dirt and sprayed with oils.
This was done to make it look like the one present in manufacturing units. Each one of the six cores was then cleaned with one or more cleaning agents.
Then they were assembled into composite structures. This was done by using the same adhesives and skins as were used when using acetone as a cleaning agent.
Then all these composed structures were forwarded for a peel strength test and it was observed that acetone was a better choice than any other cleaning agent.
An Aluminum Honeycomb Panel gives the sturdiness and support that is required for a building and other applications such as industries, pharmaceutical companies, and cleanrooms.
It involves little maintenance which is low cost and is very reliable for many years. It has an easy cleaning procedure and makes the cleanroom or the building look sophisticated. Therefore, spending on an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is worth it.
FAQs of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel
What are the Factors which Determine the Strength of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
The factors that determine the strength of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel are the foil thickness of the core, cell size, face sheet thickness, and thickness of the core in the T direction.
How can you tell if an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel has a higher Stiffness?
The stiffness of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is 30 times higher than any other metallic sheet.
How do the Face Sheets of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Help?
The core of the Aluminum Honeycomb Panel has a high volume fraction of the cavity and the face sheets help to mount the whole assembly.
This action is performed so that the fasteners can be held strongly.
Are There Any Options Available for Surface Coating of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
The Aluminum Honeycomb Panel can be surface coated with either polyester or any other ester. However, you can have any coating of your choice as well.
How is an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Made?
It starts with putting aluminum foil in the printer to mark the adhesive lines. Then the sheets are stacked and heated to press and allow the adhesive to settle.
The adhesive then binds the foil to make a block of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel.
What is the Molecular Weight of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
The molecular weight of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is 26.98 to be precise. The molecular weight determines the other properties like a lightweight.
What is the Tensile Strength of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
The tensile strength of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is psi Or 16,000 psi. The better the tensile strength, the greater will be the ability to bend.
What is the Thermal Conductivity of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
The thermal conductivity of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is W/cm/ K @ 298.2 K. This property helps the panel to be a safe option and offers safety in case of fire.
What is the Thermal Expansion of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
The thermal expansion of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is (25 °C) 23.1 µm·m-1·K-1.
What is the Vickers Hardness of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel?
The Vickers hardness of an Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is 167 MPa.
Why is the Aluminum Honeycomb Panel so Strong?
The Aluminum Honeycomb Panel is strong because of the hexagonal arrangement of aluminum foil in its core. All sides of the hexagon exert pressure on the sides and the walls support each other thus making it a strong structure.
100% Quality Tested Aluminum Honeycomb Panel
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