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There are lots of industrial valves in general industry, power plant, chemical plant, refining, oil and gas, water and wastewater treatment, with a variety of valve types, functions, size, materials, pressure rating, operation method, etc., It’s confusing for purchaser or Newbies who have just entered the valve industry.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website.
So before introducing much terminology and technical knowledge, I shall picture a simple diagram to get a more intuitive understanding of all valves for you.
control valve manufacturerThe ball valve is a type of isolation valve which is the most common valve used in industry, because of its excellent operating characteristics. The ball valve can be contacted by welding, threaded and flanged, and available in a wide range of sizes, materials, temperature, pressure, and tight shutoff.
According to the valve body assembly, the ball valve is classified into three types.
● One-Piece Ball Valve
● Side Entry: Two-Pieces Ball Valve
● Side Entry: Three-Pieces Ball Valve
● Top Entry Ball Valve
According to different stems for the ball that classified into two types.
● Floating Ball Valve
● Trunnion Ball Valve
On the basics of bore profile, ball valves are classified into three types.
● Full Bore Ball Valve
● Reduced Bore Ball Valve
● Segmented Ball Valve
● Multi-Port Ball Valve
On the basics of connection type, the ball valve is classified into three types.
● Flanged Ball Valve
● Welding Ball Valve
● Threaded Ball Valve
For different body materials, ball valves are classified:
❏ Brass Ball Valve
❏ Carbon Steel Ball Valve
❏ Stainless Steel Ball Valve
❏ PVC(Polyvinyl Chloride) Ball Valve
❏ PP (Polypropylene)Ball Valve
❏ GFPP(Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene) Ball Valve
❏ PVDF(Polyvinylidene Difluoride) Ball Valve
❏ PE(Polyethylene) Ball Valve
The different operation methods also classified three types of ball valves.
● Manual Ball Valve
● Pneumatic Ball Valve
● Electric Ball Valve
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Our headquarters STONE Valve in Taiwan has over 30 years of experience in manufacturing ball valves. Your project of the ball valve will take a professional quote and technical support.
Gate valve is the most common isolation valve in industry, with a linear motion to open and close the flow. As its disc is like a gate, so named a gate valve. There are various types of gate valves, knife gate valves, wedge gate valves, parallel slide gate valves, pipeline slab gate valves, and so on.
Gate valve only works for fully close and fully open, it can not be used for proportion controlling conditions. But as the passageway of a gate valve is unobstructed, which results in minimum pressure loss.
Due to the unobstructed design of valve passages, it is very common to work for pig during pipe cleaning procedures.
According to different materials, gate valves classify below types.
There are three types of gate valve bonnet, union type, bolted, and screwed-in type.
Different Seat: Resilient seated gate valve, Metal seated gate valve.
● Cost: Gate valve is more cost-effective than a ball valve In the engineering of shut-off conditions.
● Action time: Compare with the ball valve, the gate valve needs more time to open to close the valve. So it is usually used for application which doesn’t need frequent opening and closing, just simply to isolate the pipeline.
● Sealing: Ball valve has more excellent sealing performance than the gate valve. In the fully closed position and with flow pressure, the gate valve has a positive seal, but under very low pressure like 3psig, it maybe has a little leakage out of the gate valve seat.
There are many types of the disc or wedges designed for gate valves, but mostly we are talking about four types.
Above 4 type disc of gate valve, only no. 2 double parallel disc with parallel seat, others with inclined seats.
Globe valve, here I talk about the conventional globe valve, not globe type control valve. I put a globe type control valve to the control valve part, which here means a stop valve.
A globe valve is often used for isolation service, the flow path through the globe valve follows a constantly changing process, which increased flow resistance, that’s why the globe valve has a higher pressure drop than the gate valve, plug valve, and ball valve(those valves are straight-through path)
For more details on globe valve, you can refer to this article.
According to the different body designs, the globe valve is classified as a Tee pattern globe valve, Z type globe valve, Y pattern globe valve, and angle pattern globe valve.
A Globe valve is an industrial valve that uses a spherical body, a moveable plug, and a stationary seat ring.
The main function of the globe valve is to proportion modulating flow capacity or process pressure and shutoff flow.
Globe valve available to assembly handwheel, gear operator, pneumatic actuator, electric actuator, and hydraulic actuator.
As a general rule, you can check the height of the screw stem between the handwheel and yoke, if only 1 – 3 thread displacement that means the globe valve is in a close position. When the valve is at an open position, it will show more height of the thread.
globe valve at the close positionAs a general rule, turn the handwheel clockwise to close the globe valve, and turn counterclockwise to open the valve. There will be a switch mark and arrow on the handwheel.
handwheel of globe valveThe check valve is also called a non-return valve, which means when the direct flow valve is open, and the reverse flow then the valve closes.
There are two types of check valves used on site.
The swing check valve is a swing type disk away from the seat to allow flow indirect way, reverse flow as the valve closes, to prevent backflow.
The main components of the check valve include the body, bonnet, disc, and hinge.
The lifting check valve usually includes a piston check valve and ball check valve, it is particularly suitable for high-pressure conditions and special installation positions. The lifting check valve can be installed vertical pipeline or horizontal position.
For more check valve types you can read this article.
The check valve also called the non-return valve which only allows water, air, steam, or other medium flow one-way direction. The main function of the check valve includes 4 points.
In a general rule, for the steam system here are 2 typical ways to use a check valve.
As a general rule, the high pressure at the outlet of the pump can be directly sent to the boiler, the pipeline connected with the high-pressure main pipe, or to the high-level water tank. During operation, when the pump suddenly stops running for some reason, the pressure in the pump disappears, and the high-pressure water connected to the outlet of the pump will flow back to the pump in the reverse direction. So here need to install a check valve(outlet of the pump), it will be closed immediately when happened this situation, to prevent high-pressure water from flowing back to the pump. If the outlet of the pump is not equipped with a check valve, the high-pressure water will flow back to the pump in the reverse direction, and the impeller of the pump will reverse under the impact of the high-pressure water. The impeller or the other parts will be damaged because of the impact load of high-pressure water on it, also the main pipe pressure decrease, and the boiler water level will drop, which will affect the safe operation.
water transmissionCheck valve plays a very important role in the industry system, it may not the most expensive valve but is like a guard to prevent expensive device effects due to backflow damage.
So we need to know the reason the cause of check valve failure, and we should be able to prevent them happen.
Here are the top 4 reasons that may cause check valve failure.
A check valve is used in allows the process medium to flow in one direction way, and to prevent backflow by automatically close.
So check valve can’t reduce water pressure, more important is it can’t discharge fluids from low pressure into a higher pressure line, because the back pressure is higher than the upstream pressure/inlet pressure of the check valve, and the swing or disc can’t open.
The silent check valve is a priority design of silent operation with positively closing, and prevents water hammer, surges and vibration. The silent check valve combine of body, seat, disc, spring, sleeve, o-ring and retaining screws, etc.,
A regular check valve can’t stop a water hammer, but because of a slam shut off, or a sudden valve closure, only a non-slam check valve, nozzle check valve or silent check valve can prevent a water hammer.
A spring-loaded check valve is one common kind of non-return valve, which allows flow in one direction, in case prevent fluids backflow. Usually, a spring-loaded check valve is suitable for reducing water hammer, and benefit can be installed in any position, no matter horizontal, vertical, or otherwise.
The swing check valve and spring-loaded check valve are both used to prevent reverse flow. Many people ask which is better, a swing check valve or a spring-loaded check valve?
A responsible engineer will not simply answer which is better, but explain how to select the right type of check valve for your application. Here we just list some cases.
Technically check valve and backflow preventer is a similar function for industrial processes that prevent fluids backflow.
A check valve is just a simple non-return valve, but a backflow preventer is a module assembly of check valves. It is used in high-hazard environments and needs to completely protect the flow safe while even one part failed.
You can easier to find the backflow preventer installed where potable water connects to non-potable water.
● HVAC system
● Irrigation system
● General indsutral system
● Fire suppression system
A butterfly valve is a 90° turn rotational motion valve that is used to on/off or control the flowing medium in a process. And particularly for large capacity conditions.
What is the different type of butterfly valves?
● Centric Butterfly Valve
● Lined Butterfly Valve
● Double Eccentric Butterfly Valve
● Triple Offset Butterfly Valve
As a general rule, a butterfly valve is a bi-direction industrial valve, but it does have a preferred flow direction in case to protect the valve and extends service life, also with lower operating torque.
The ball valve and butterfly valve both can isolate fluids in the processing system. So what is the exact difference between the ball valve and butterfly valve? We are going to describe the difference from 6 points.
A plug valve is an isolation valve that is a quarter-turn shutoff valve. The plug can be designed in tapered or cylindrical form. Plug valves are available in different port types.
As a general rule, there are 4 types of plug valves with different designs.
Non-lubricated plug valves are mainly used in the petrochemical, refining industry, and RO plants.
Non-lubricated plug valves use the sleeve to reduce friction between the plug part and body.
It is commonly used in minimum maintenance needs, and where liquids could be trapped or solidify and potentially block the valve.
Applicable standards of Non-Lubricated Plug Valve:
a) Design & Manufacture: API 599, API 6D
b) Face to Face: API 6D, ASME B16.10, EN 558, DIN 3202, BS 2080
c) Connection End: ASME B16.5, ASME B16.25, EN 1092, EN 12627, JIS B2220
d) Test : API 598, API 6D, EN 12266, ISO 5208
Sizes: 2″ – 24″ or DN50 – DN600
Pressure Rating: Class 150 – Class 2900 or PN 16 – PN 160
Valve Materials: WCB, LCB, WC6, WC9, C12, C5, CF8, CF8M, Duplex Stainless Steels, etc.
Operated by: Wrench, Gearbox, Pneumatic, Hydraulic, and Electric actuator
Lubricated plug valves are mainly used in crude oil applications.
The lubricated plug valve has grease fitting which injects lubricant to plug face and body seat, in case to reduce friction and sealing ports. Through a radial hole, the lubrication is constantly into lubricant grooves on the plug surface.
Expanding plug valve is a special design in which the plug is made of multiple components allowing it to mechanically expand through a wedging action onto the cylindrical body.
Eccentric plug valves are basically plug valve with a plug cut in half, it has minimal friction from open to close, without a significant operating torque but shutoff performance is improved.
Ask For a Quick Quote
THINKTANK manufactures plug valves for over 10 brands with high quality and reasonable prices. Your project of the ball valve will take a professional quote and technical support.
Other different types of plug valves we can see below.
● Two-Way Flanged Plug Valve
● Three-Way Flanged Plug Valve
● Two-Way Threaded Plug Valve
● Three-Way Threaded Plug Valve
● Three-Way Brass Plug Valve
● Two-Way Jacket Plug Valve
● Three-Way Jacket Plug Valve
● Oil Sealing Plug Valve
● Lining PTFE Plug Valve
● Asphalt Special Plug Valve
● ASTM Plug Valve
A plug valve is a plug top mounted into the valve body which is equivalent to a top-mounted ball valve. Compared with a two-piece or three-piece ball valve, it is a completely different type and application product.
Let us understand the advantages and disadvantages of the plug valve and the main purpose of the plug valve:
The safety valve is a special valve that can protect equipment from damaging or exploding. Commonly safety valve is installed in pressure vessels and automatically opens immediately when the accumulation of pressure in a system or vessel is beyond a preset limit. It simply allows the excess pressure to relieve, to prevent any disaster.
Safety valves are widely applied in chemical plants, power plants, boilers and gas storage tanks, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and many more. It controls the pressure and discharges a certain amount of fluid by itself without any additional supply of energy.
There are three types of safety valves in thinktank’s production line.
In general, the safety valve and relief valve are both used to release the overload pressure from a pressure vessel system. So what is the exact difference between them? From technical definitions, the safety valve does differently from the relief valve.
A safety valve refers to a pressure valve that is designed to protect life, equipment, and processes. It means the safety valve is the last resort valve that releases pressure to prevent an accident when all other relief valves have failed to adequately release pressure within a system. Simply say the safety valve is a failsafe.
A relief valve is a pressure relief valve that is designed to help the processing facility avoid system failures, and protect equipment from overpressurized conditions. A relief valve is used to control pressure for the optimal functionality of the system.
A steam boiler is a pressure vessel and a generator for steam, the purpose of a boiler is to store highly pressurized steam. But due to the state of pressurization due to the expanding steam may cause the boiler explosion, people hurt, property lost all disasters.
So we keep a safety valve fitted in a boiler to release exceed the pressure in case to prevent such accidents. You may ask why not use a relief valve but a safety valve, you can read the above article named What is the difference between a safety valve and a relief valve?
The function of a safety valve in a boiler is when the system pressure reaches the setpoint, it will open sharp and the opening will be full until the pressure drop to around 4~5% below the working pressure.
A simple example may be very easy to understand if the set pressure is 7 bar, then when the system pressure reaches 7 bar, the safety valve will be full opening. But for the relief valve, if set pressure at 10 bar, then at 11 bar, the relief valve will open more to release an extra 1 bar.
Simply explain parts of the safety valve’s function role, nozzles like pressure entrance, disc as a lid, and spring-like pressure controller.
The nozzle inside of the safety valve starts to receive a high pressure from the inlet port, when the pressure increases higher than the predetermined pressure, the disc starts to lift and discharge the fluid. and when the inlet pressure decreases while the set pressure, the force of spring closes the disc.
THINKTANK is a well-known brand in China, focus on manufacturing control valves for over 15 years. We supply an eccentric plug control valve, single-seated control valve, double-seated control valve, three-way control valve, cage type control valve, and so on, which can be custom engineered to perform specific functions for the end-users requirements.
A control valve is one of the most important parts of the control loop. The main function is regulating pressure, temperature, flow rate, or other variables of the process medium in the industry. As a professional globe control valve manufacturer, THINKTANK provides a wide range of control valves for chemicals, oil&gas, power plants, refining plants, pharmaceuticals, etc.
The control valve is the most common final control device in the process, The control valve regulates the flow of a fluid, such as gas, steam, water, or chemical mixture, to compensate for load disturbances and make the controlled process variable as close as the desired setpoint.
There are three typical types of actuated control valves in the process, pneumatically actuated, electric actuated/motorized actuated, and hydraulic actuated. The working principles of the valve are similar, but a bit different from the actuator part with different ways to operate.
● Pneumatic actuated
Usually, the pneumatic actuator will complete with the positioner along with the assembly of the control valve. Pneumatic actuator receives the air supply from an external source and force to the diaphragm or piston of pneumatic actuator, meanwhile valve positioner receives an input signal 4-20mA or 3-15PSI or others analog signal from PID, and turns the signal response to the actuator, and finally makes actuator proportion drive the valve stem downward/upward strokes control valve.
● Electric/Motorized actuated
An electric actuator is kind of a motor-driven device that uses a power supply to makes motor shaft rotation. Similar to the pneumatic actuator, an electric signal drive the stem downward/upward modulating flow rate, pressure or temperature, etc in the control loop.
● Hydraulic actuated
The hydraulic actuator has more force than the pneumatic and electric actuator, and it uses hydraulic oil to drive the actuator to regulate the control valve. They are mainly used in high-safety systems such as steam turbine exhaust pipes, blast furnace gas residual pressure power generation devices (TRT), and industrial pipe networks with seawater, sewage, flue gas, air, oil, etc. as emergency shut-off valves.
A control valve is a control device used to regulate the flow of fluids by varying the size of the flow passage.
As a general rule, a control valve consists of 4 main parts, body, bonnet, trim, and actuator.
A self-operated regulator as its functions, we can classify 3 types, self-operated pressure regulator, self-operated temperature regulator, and self-operated differential pressure regulator.
pressure regulators 3 pressure regulating valve self-operated pressure regulators 390 Seawater regulatorA self-operated valve is not required for auxiliary energy to the active valve but uses the process medium energy itself. It means there is no need for extra pneumatic, electric, or hydraulic power to operate the valve.
A self-operated pressure-reducing valve is a mechanical device used to control upstream/inlet or downstream/outlet pressure in natural gas plants. Also, it can be used for steam, air, water, and other fluids.
Before we start to learn the principle of self-operated pressure-reducing valves works, first we need to know the main parts of them.
A self-operated pressure-reducing valve consists of three parts, a loading component(spring), a measuring component(diaphragm/piston self-operated actuator), and a restrictive component(valve).
The measuring component is directly connected to the process medium(natural gas) and generates a force against a loading force from the spring, then drive restricting component – valve release pressure.
For example, if a self-operated pressure reducing valve is used to controlling downstream pressure, natural gas medium, the set pressure is 1 bar. So we put the control line at the regulator outlet connected to the downstream pipeline, to measure the process pressure and respond to the diaphragm.
The process medium flows through the valve between the seat and plug by the arrow direction, the downstream pressure P2 is transmitted over the actuator chamber and the control line to the operating diaphragm where it is converted into a positioning force. Then this force act on the valve plug depending on the force of the setpoint springs.
When the downstream pressure P2 increases, the force P2 acts on the diaphragm also increases. At this time, the force on the diaphragm is greater than the force of the set spring, so the valve plug moves toward the closed position, the opening of the valve decreases, and P2 decreases until the force on the diaphragm is balanced with the spring force. So that P2 is reduced to the set value. In the same way, when the pressure P2 after the valve decreases, the action direction is opposite to the above direction
steam pressure reducing stationA self-contained pressure regulator as the name suggests does not need an external signal or power but the process medium energy to drive itself to open or close the regulator.
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The difference between a pneumatic control valve and a self-operated control valve, you can read this article.
Product Description:
End flange:
ANSI B16.1 125LB
Face to face:
EN558-1 Series16, ISO 5752 Series16 , ANSI B16.10 , API 594 125LB,API 594 150LB
EN558-1 SERIES 50
Top flange:
ISO 5211
Normal pressure:
DI/ALB/Rubber lined Disc/1.2501/1.4529/CF8/Hastelloy Alloy/Monel
NBR/Hypalon/EPDM/Neoprene/NR/Wear-Resistant EPDM/Viton/Silicon/Heat-Resistant EPDM/White EPDM/EPDM()/PTFE
Suitable temperature:
Fresh water, sewage, sea water, air, vapor, oils, alkalis etc.
Product Features:
Bolted bonnet, and the type of middle flange gasket may be different according to pressure class; Check valve in 600LB may adopt pressure sealed structure.
Disc stop device to prevent disc from being opened too high, thus causing failure to be closed down.
Solid pin is precisely installed and provided with high intensity to ensure operational performance and service life of valve.
Rocker arm is given enough intensity. Upon being closed down, it has enough freedom for the close-down of valve disc.
Large size check valve are provided with lifting rings for the convenience of hoisting.
Q1: We are interested in your products?
A1: In order to recommend you suitable products, please provide detail information, like size, material, pressure, model.
Q2: Is the requirement for MOQ?
A2: For some small size, like 2''-48''(DN50-DN1200), it request the MOQ is 50pcs for each size. Generally speaking, it depends on your order.
Q3: How about the warranty?
A3: The warranty time is 12 months after leaving our factory. We can repair or change because of the quality problems.
Q4: Payment
A4: Mainly T/T, Payment Term: 30% prepayment, 70% balance paid before shipping or against copy of BL.
Q5: Can you manufacture different standards valves according to customer requirements?
A5: Yes. We can manufacture API,DIN,GOST standards for different pressure & temperature & size according to different needs.
If you want to know more about our products, please contact freely. We will patiently answer your all questions.
To get more Information at our websites:
For more din cast steel check valveinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
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