Your Position: Home - Machinery - Tips for Grinding Grains at Home
A little over one year ago, I received a grain mill attachment for my standing electric mixer as a Christmas present. It was something that I had been wanting to try for years after grinding my own grains here and there in my food processor/blender, which was not always ideal as it is not technically built for that. I was determined to learn more about whole grain baking and cooking, milling my own flours, and mastering the art of doing so. I am still learning so much when it comes to milling flour, but I wanted to share with you some of the things I have learned that have made the entire process easier, especially when it comes to actually making bread.
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The only answer really comes down to increased nutritional value and denser flavor profile. Milling flour at home is not for the faint of heart. In fact, I would say it is specifically geared towards someone who has a passion for cooking, bread making, and a curiosity and interest in making a higher quality food product. Perhaps even for someone who has an interest in creating a more sustainable kitchen, in terms of the quality of ingredients, not necessarily sustainable for your bank account.
Milling flour is not going to save you money. Even as someone who lives in a unique community for accessing unique ingredients, whole grains are not cheaper than commercially processed bleached flour. It is one of those things that has always irked me as a consumer. Would it not make sense for the wheat berries themselves to be cheaper than flour, as they take less time, energy, and resources to produce? Its like realizing a whole tomato costs more than a can of tomato sauce which is also true. But I am beginning to ramble.
Home milled flour is more nutritious for you. When I began my journey into researching whole, unprocessed foods, I learned that much of why our bodies struggle to digest wheat or other grains with a high gluten content is because we are missing the essential part of the grain that aids in our bodies breaking it down. Grains are made up of three basic components: the outer shell (bran), the food supply (endosperm), and the embryo (germ). After processing the grains, a commercial flour removes the bran and germ to create a pure white, fluffy product that creates an incredibly lightly textured, light colored baked product. It also removes 75% of the nutrients within that single grain. Once this happens, the flour loses its nutritional value and dietary fiber entirely making it completely useless to our over-all health, not to mention that most commercial flours have about 25 chemicals added back into it as fortified nutrients.
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Learn the ins and outs of milling flour at home. Well go over the pros and cons, using a small stone grain mill, buying and storing grain, and tips for baking with fresh flour. You may be surprised just how much flavor, variety, and nutrition freshly milled flour can bring to your home-baked goods!
My newest venture in the kitchen has been delving into the world of home milled flour.
We still use white flour for certain applications like homemade sourdough danishes and soft sourdough potato rolls.
But more and more, Im feeding my family breads that Ive made with these freshly ground organic grains. To my surprise, my family loves eating this bread!
I didnt anticipate being so excited about the flavor and variety that these grains bring to my baking.
I had a lot of questions before I started grinding and using fresh flour at home. This post is a culmination of all that Ive learned so far.
Hopefully I can give you the confidence to begin milling your own fresh flour at home!
After youre finished here, visit my beginners guide to Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter.
Freshly milled flour can be very beneficial for health.
A kernel of grain is made up of three parts: the endosperm (starch), the bran (outer layer), and the germ (the part that would develop into a new plant).
When milling at home, entire kernels (or berries) of wheat are milled into flour to use for baking.
In contrast, when refined white flour is made, the bran and germ are removed from the grain during processing.
The starchy white portion of the grain is then ground into flour (some brands may leave some portion of the bran and germ, aka ash, in the flour).
The white flour is often enriched to some extent, but the fiber and certain nutrients are not added back in. This is why eating whole grains is so important.
When a grain is consumed as a whole food, its naturally rich in fiber and nutrients to nourish the body.
You may enjoy learning more about the benefits of whole grains: Whole Grains 101
Another consideration is that some nutrition may be lost in store-bought flour as it ages and oxidizes. For that reason, it may be preferable to grind flour and use it while it is so fresh.
Knowing that high quality wholegrain flours can be purchased these days (especially online), youll have to decide for yourself if its worth it to mill flour yourself.
If youre already baking frequently, it may well be worth it to you. Lets look at the pros and cons:
For my family and me, its worth the small amount of extra effort to mill our flour for many reasons:
Here are some common grains and their uses in baking:
*Ive heard of people milling popcorn kernels into cornmeal, but youll want to check the instruction manual for your mill before attempting this. Popcorn should not be milled in a Mockmill.
I would recommend you secure a local source for grain so you can save money on shipping costs.
I was able to find an organic wholesaler local to me that sells in bulk to the public one day of the week.
Many people have success buying in bulk from a co-op like Bread Beckers, though I havent purchased from them myself. You can check their website to see if they have a pickup location near you.
Or maybe you could purchase directly from a local farmer.
You could also check a local Amish or Mennonite store or health food store (Ive found wheat berries at Natural Grocers) to see if they offer any wheat berries or grains for grinding. Ive heard that some health food stores offer a discount for bulk orders.
Finally, some online companies are wonderful sources for organic ancient, heritage, or heirloom wheats that you cant find locally. You might want to check out these reputable sources:
Make sure you inspect any grain upon purchasing to insure that it is clean and bug-free.
Excessive debris or signs of bugs may be reason to return the grain for a refund (excessive powdery flour at the bottom of the grain bag, and holes/damage in the berries are other signs of bugs).
As soon as you procure your grain, youll want to store it properly.
I own a Mockmill 200 stone grain mill to grind my flour, and I am very pleased with this mill.
Though Mockmill offers different models, this particular one has the features and affordability I was after.
It has a small footprint on the countertop, is fairly quiet as far as mills go, and doesnt blow much flour dust while milling. It has a powerful enough motor for our needs.
Want more information on structure of hammer mill? Feel free to contact us.
Recommended article:Since it grinds with stones, it can make very fine flour. It can also grind a coarse cereal texture (which comes in handy when making a soaker for a loaf of bread) and every texture in between.
KoMo is another high quality brand of stone mill that I would recommend.
There are also some nice manual mills on the market if you want to be able to mill in the absence of electricity.
The WonderMill and Nutrimill Classic (get $20 off Nutrimill with my code aberlehome) are well-loved impact mills (with stainless steel plates) that are reliable workhorses for grinding flour. They can also grind popcorn.
Depending on your needs and desires, they may have some drawbacks in comparison to a stone mill.
They arent able to grind a coarse cereal texture, they take up a little more space on the counter, and they may blow more flour or make more noise.
Still, they may be more budget-friendly than a stone mill and they grind a very fine flour.
Youll want to read the instruction manual for your mill to learn what you can and cannot grind. Generally, you shouldnt grind oily seeds, oily grains, nuts, or coffee beans since these can clog your mill.
When Im ready to mill in my Mockmill, I start by weighing out the grain I need.
Pick through the grain prior to milling to remove any stones or debris that could damage your mill. To do this, simply pour the grain out into a single layer on a baking sheet so you can look through it quickly.
Then I turn on my mill with the switch, set the fineness with the lever on the side of the mill, and dump the berries into the hopper at the top. I hold a bowl under the shoot to catch the flour as it comes out.
I grind my flour on the finest setting (where the stones are touching) for most applications. A coarse setting can be used to crack grains. These can be used to make a soaker that can be added to dough or used as a topping.
Some grains can be sent through this mill twice for finer flour.
For certain applications, you may wish to remove some percentage of the bran and germ in your wheat flour using a fine mesh sifting screen.
You could add the bran back to the bread later as a topping or use it in another recipe.
The higher the number on the sifting screen, the finer the screen and the more bran and germ it will remove. 40 mesh and 60 mesh are common sizes.
The more bran and germ you sift away to make the flour whiter, the lower the extraction of the flour.
Since I typically mill only the amount I need to bake with, I dont often have flour leftover to store.
If I ever do have extra, I will put it in a zipper bag in the freezer to keep it fresh until I can add it to another bake.
To use freshly milled flour to feed your sourdough starter, mill enough for a week or two at a time. Store the flour in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer so its ready for you in a pinch.
You can purposely allow flour to age for a couple weeks to increase its gluten-forming ability.
Unmilled wheat can store well for years since the outer shell is protecting the grain on the inside. Your job is to protect the grain from moisture and pests.
If youre curious how much flour youll get from the wheat berries youll be storing, expect 1 cup of wheat berries to yield about 1-1/2 cups of milled flour.
You can store small quantities of grain in your pantry or refrigerator in airtight containers for easy access. Glass jars or pantry storage containers would be ideal.
If you purchase grain in bulk, youll want to put the grain in a food grade bucket with an airtight lid to protect it from rodents, moisture, and insects.
Store the bucket in a cool place such as a pantry, closet, or basement. Dont store buckets in the garage if there are gasoline fumes.
When choosing buckets, consider how much grain you will be storing and what size buckets you can move around easily. You may find them locally at Home Depot, Lowes, or a ranch supply store like Tractor Supply.
For easy access to the grain in the bucket, you can purchase a gamma seal lid. This type of lid keeps an airtight seal, but has a screw top. If you order buckets online, you can purchase buckets that come with gamma seal lids.
25 pounds of wheat berries will fit in a 3.5 gallon bucket or will fill a 5 gallon bucket over two-thirds full (35 pounds should fill the bucket).
I will note that there is a lot of discrepancy online when it comes to grain storage.
Some people recommend freezing grain to prevent a future bug infestation. The greatest concern with freezing is dealing with moisture from condensation when the grain is brought back to room temperature. This moisture can cause mold and spoilage.
Others recommend sealing the grain in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers for long-term storage. However, there is argument that doing so could increase the risk of bacteria growing in the grain.
Do your own research to make an informed decision about your grain storage.
After my own research, Im content storing my bulk grain in food grade buckets with airtight lids. My buckets are stacked together in a cool storage room in my home.
Whether youre using fresh flour in place of store-bought wholegrain flour in a recipe (which has been aging to some extent) or in place of white flour, there are some differences to be aware of.
If you are new to baking with freshly milled flour or whole grains in general, you might find it helpful to follow recipes that are developed specifically for wholegrain flour instead of jumping right in to converting your own white flour recipes.
Some recipes will call for 100% wholegrain flour while others use wholegrain for only a percentage of the flour.
Here are my recipes with 100% home milled flour (more to come!).
Follow recipes that list ingredients in weight instead of volume for ease and consistency. I highly recommend this digital kitchen scale for its quality, but any one will do.
Weigh out your grain prior to milling to avoid making extra flour. For example, if a recipe calls for 100g whole wheat flour, youll weigh out 100g of wheat berries to mill.
Though there are some skills to learn to begin milling your own flour at home, the process really isnt too complicated once you get going.
Fresh flour is a wonderful next step to elevate the flavor and nutrition of your homemade bread!
If you want to learn more, please visit our website flour mill machine price.
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