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Your Position: Home - Valves - What are the advantages of a 3-way ball valve?

What are the advantages of a 3-way ball valve?

Author: Geym

May. 20, 2024

Harnessing The Versatility Of 3-Way Electric Ball Valves in ...

Ball valves have proven themselves as effective mechanisms for controlling and regulating fluid flow in different industrial applications. These flow control devices have incorporated several innovative technologies to optimize their performance and versatility for diverse flow control applications.

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Several categories of ball valves exist in the market, including the versatile 3-way ball valves. As the name suggests, these are ball valves containing three ports. These ports are essential for directional fluid control to meet specific industrial process requirements. Now, consider the electrical automation of these valves. It gives the valves additional benefits beyond the usual advantages of conventional ball valves - minimal pressure drops, quick responsiveness and impressive sealing, among others.

How are 3-way electric ball valves adapted to different industrial applications? This article will discuss the functionality of 3-way electric ball valves, their suitability for harsh and demanding industrial fluid flow applications, the benefits of automating processes with 3-way electric ball valves and practical applications across industries.

The Design Of 3-Way Electric Ball Valves

3-way ball valves, like any other ball valve, rely on a spherical ball to control the direction of fluid flow. However, these valves have three ports instead of the usual two ports. The positions of these ports allow the valves to have either:

  • One inlet port and two outlet ports
  • Two inlet ports and one outlet port

A 3-way electric ball valve has the following components as part of its construction:

  • A ball (spherical) which is the main flow control element
  • An actuator (electrical motor) which manipulates the position of the valve to achieve specific flow control parameters.
  • Positioner, sensors and control panels for precise regulation and periodic adjustment of the ball valve.

3-way electric ball valves feature two distinct internal designs. That describes the variance between L-port 3-way and T-port 3-way electric ball valves. Each valve design (internal configuration) dictates the flow control operations a particular valve can perform based on the flow patterns past the valve body. Generally, L-port 3-way valves are predominant for diverting fluid flow in industrial processes. The T-port 3-way electric ball valves are more suitable for mixing fluids with different chemical or physical properties in industrial flow applications.

3-way electric ball valves are more versatile than their 2-way counterparts. They amplify the quick responsiveness associated with conventional ball valves, providing dependable shutoff capabilities and flexible directional control of fluids in processes. These capabilities make them preferable for diverse applications ranging from heating and cooling applications to more complex chemical processing facilities.

Here are two distinct flow control scenarios to elaborate on the operating differences between the two types of 3-way electric ball valves.

  • Consider an industrial fluid process that requires frequent mixing of fluids. For example, mixing hot and cold water at different process stages. These applications will utilize T-port 3-way electric ball valves. In such a scenario, the valve has two inlet ports and one outlet port. Cold fluid enters the valve body from one port, while hot fluid enters from the opposite port. The hot and cold fluid will mix proportionately within the valve body before exiting through a common outlet port. The internal design of T-ports allows for flexible control when sampling or mixing fluids at constant flow rates.

Cross sectional view of a T-Port 3-way valve (mixing operation)

  • L-port 3-way electric ball valves are predominant for fluid diversion. The design of the ports is such that fluid can flow from a common inlet and move in a specific direction at any instance. Consider an industrial process where processed fluids are stored in two tanks before packaging or transfer to subsequent processes. The L-port 3-way electric ball valve provides a means to regulate fluid flow to both tanks. The fluid will flow from the source through a common inlet to the first tank. The fluid flows until it reaches a preset limit. The valves contain feedback control systems to detect the fluid levels. Once the fluid reaches the desired levels, the L-port 3-way electric ball valve automatically changes its position through a quarter-turn rotation, changing the direction of fluid flow to the second outlet and filling the second tank. L-port 3-way ball valves are also essential for isolating flow to some processes or piping systems. One can also configure T-port 3-way ball valves to divert fluids between storage tanks.

Cross sectional view of a L-Port 3-way valve (diverting operation)

3-way electric ball valves can perform various operations and achieve multiple fluid flow configurations. These valves are viable for horizontally and vertically oriented process pipelines. The availability of automated controls through actuators and control panels provides the ultimate flexibility to maximize the performance and responsiveness of these valves in different fluid flow applications.

Benefits of 3-Way Electric Ball Valves

Perhaps you are perusing the rich catalog of products offered by Electric Solenoid Valves and are confused about whether to choose 3-way electric ball valves for your fluid mixing or diversion operations in industrial applications. Well, let us simplify your search process by outlining the benefits associated with these valves. Here are some advantages.

Precise process control

3-way electric ball valves are essential in highly demanding and extreme industrial processes where slight fluctuations significantly impact process safety and quality. Consider a pharmaceutical production facility. The dosing of ingredients and raw materials must be precise. Any fluctuations, even by a fraction of a milliliter, compromise the formulation of the medicines. 3-way electric ball valves are dependable solutions in such operations. They provide variable flow paths for raw materials while guaranteeing tight and prompt shutoff whenever required. They are automated ball valves and can respond to process changes faster and more effectively. The utilization of valve position sensors and advanced control mechanisms ensures operators can adequately regulate the orientations of the valves to achieve specific or desired flow control volumes in response to process requirements. That means it is possible to regulate or alter the distribution of service fluids in real-time.

Precise control is not only beneficial for quality control in industries. It enhances the mitigation of process risks like fugitive emissions and leakages, further strengthening facility safety and compliance with statutory regulations and industry standards.

Safety and durability

3-way electric ball valves are designed to accommodate demanding industrial environments. They utilize top-of-the-range manufacturing materials for the valve bodies and actuators. The deliberate selection of fabrication materials and stringent testing ensures valves provide dependable and durable fluid control. Their design caters to fluid properties - chemical and physical properties, ensuring they can withstand abrasive or corrosive media. They can also provide predictable shutoff capabilities despite frequent cycling requirements. Such valve resilience is essential when calculating the long-term cost-benefit analysis of process valves - which considers the frequency and severity of valve downtime and related maintenance costs.

Since 3-way electric ball valves incorporate actuators, they have additional safety features for optimum functionality in their designed applications. These features include actuator fail-safe mechanisms like spring-return systems or backup battery systems, which temporarily handle actuator operations in case of main power losses. These features are vital for preventing valve failures in emergencies. The electrical actuators are explosion-proof, mitigating fire risks in case of power surges or related electrical faults.

Better responsiveness

Ball valves are designed to respond fast to process changes. They require a quarter-turn movement of the flow control mechanism to open or fully shut the flow of fluids past the valve. Such ball valves can facilitate high flow capacities and experience the lowest pressure drops across the valves. The impact of the low-pressure drops (pressure losses) reduces operational costs since the energy required for pumping remains low.

Incorporating electrical actuators into 3-way ball valves is an effective way to enhance the responsiveness and repeatability of their operations. The swift responsiveness guarantees these valves can promptly shut off whenever hazards abound, making them preferable choices for demanding or hazardous industrial applications like chemical processing.

Remote operation and monitoring

In modern facilities, there are fewer operators on the factory floors to monitor and operate process valves.

The operation of electric ball valves is remote and particularly useful in hazardous environments. Remote operation is also vital for 3-way ball valves located in hard-to-reach places. Remote operation lowers the demand for on-site workers, lowering workplace accidents and exposure to harmful environments.

3-way electric ball valves have feedback control systems to collect real-time data on the operations of the ball valve. These systems collect information on flow rates, fluid pressure and temperature. Plant operators who monitor tens or hundreds of these valves at a time can identify process variations and initiate rectification measures remotely. They can shut or open process valves in response to these changes, ensuring optimal directional fluid control always.

Remote monitoring also informs internal valve maintenance protocols. Companies can develop comprehensive maintenance plans based on 3-way electric ball valve failure frequencies and pinpoint issues causing these failures. They can also collect data regarding the durability of 3-way electric ball valves, gaining insights for improving their design and functionality for specific industrial applications (for example, chemical handling facilities).

Predictable energy efficiency

Monitoring energy consumption in a facility is critical for devising operational cost reduction measures. One can easily disregard the quantity of energy consumed by an electric ball valve. However, energy consumption becomes a concern when handling tens to hundreds of electrically actuated ball valves across the facility. Understanding how much power valves use each moment is essential for planning and budgeting. It is also vital for developing long-term energy sustainability strategies for your piping system.

3-way electric ball valves tend to consume less energy at different operating cycles. For instance, the energy consumption of a 3-way electric ball valve is minimal when it is in its steady-state position. Automating these valves ensures companies can keep detailed energy-consumption logs for inclusion in facility-wide energy management dashboards and platforms.

It is also possible to program valve control programs to optimize energy consumption, increasing power supply when there is maximum demand for valve operations in a process and limiting supply when demand for valve operations is lower.

Integration with industrial control systems

Utilizing 3-way electric ball valves offers opportunities to integrate valve management systems with more complex industrial systems. Integrating diverse digital systems creates a simple digital replica of processes, making it easier to track operations and monitor the quality of service fluids in real time.

Connecting automated industrial valves with process control software such as SCADA allows seamless communication between physical systems. As the world adopts advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, these integrations will critically improve 3-way electric ball valve performances. The systems can leverage different process datasets to learn autonomously, self-improve and adjust process controls for optimum functionality. The possibility of integrating 3-way electric ball valves with technologies like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is crucial for developing autonomous fluid control and piping systems.

Industrial Applications of 3-Way Electric Ball Valves

Now that we understand how 3-way electric ball valves work and their operational advantages, let us explore some practical applications across different industries. It will help you make the right decision over which high-quality product to choose from our rich catalog. Below are a few examples of selected industrial segments.

Chemical processing facilities

  • Proportional mixing and blending of different chemicals. The 3-way electric ball valves regulate the direction and volumes of chemicals flowing into designated mixing chambers.
  • Diverting the flow of chemicals and fluids to multiple processes or storage units. Diverting fluids in chemical processing plants is vital for minimizing cross-contamination of service fluids or specifying product batch numbers.
  • Sampling process fluids, allowing operators to collect adequate samples for testing or quality control. 3-way electric ball valves for sampling are crucial for waste removal from pipelines or storage tanks.

Water and Wastewater Applications

  • 3-way electric ball valves are essential for controlling fluid flow across the different streams of the water treatment or distribution plant. They divert water to various treatment stages, preventing contamination.
  • 3-way electric ball valves are crucial for chemical injection in water treatment processes. They provide a means to regulate the injection of disinfectants necessary for water treatment.
  • Regulating flow rates among multiple distribution networks.

Food and Beverage Industry

  • Controlling the quantity of ingredients flowing into batch plants at different food processing stages. It allows food processors to manage batch processing of food and beverages more efficiently.
  • 3-way electric ball valves are crucial for blending and mixing multiple ingredients required for food or beverage production.

Oil and Gas industry

  • 3-way electric ball valves are common in hydraulic systems used in oil and gas exploration. They regulate the flow of hydraulic fluids in drilling rigs, enabling them to perform different drilling operations.
  • 3-way electric ball valves can divert oil and gas to various storage tanks. They can also divert oil and gas in process into diverse pipelines for further processing.
  • 3-way electric ball valves can form part of emergency shutdown systems. The ball valves isolate sections of the pipelines, allowing routine maintenance or emergency shutdown in case of system failures.

How To Optimize The Performance Of 3-Way Electric Ball Valves

How can one ensure the durable, predictable and optimal performance of 3-way electric ball valves throughout their useful lives? Are there special maintenance considerations, and how can companies leverage advanced technology to guarantee error-free valve performance?

  • Consult a valve expert when sizing process valves for different applications. Sometimes, you can choose a smaller valve based on lower capital costs. Undersizing 3-way electric ball valves means companies spend more to pump service fluids through pipelines. Oversizing 3-way ball valves creates a small margin for inaccuracies. It can compromise the quality and safety of processes. You can always consult our team of engineers at Electric Solenoid Valves, who will advise you accordingly.
  • Pay attention to chemical and physical properties of fluids in the intended application area. Evaluate the environmental conditions of the application areas. Define the allowable temperature and pressure fluctuations across the piping system. Ensuring the valves meet the operating conditions of the piping system is crucial for estimating the durability and adaptability of valve materials to the desired applications.
  • Customize valve control communication protocols to match other industrial control systems. Where possible, integrate the digital networks for uninterrupted communication between control systems. It ensures centralized data collection for improved decision-making and continuous improvement measures targeting 3-way electric ball valves.
  • Develop a dependable redundancy system to ensure minimal or no interruption to fluid flow across the piping system or industrial process. It reduces failures or incidents occurring due to unforeseen hazards or failures.
  • Establish a robust valve maintenance plan. The maintenance schedule should cater to every valve in the facility, accounting for issues like age and valve frequency cycle. Leverage real-time performance monitoring data to identify the cause and effect of different valve failures.


3-way electric ball valves are crucial for regulating fluid flow across pipelines in different industries. These valves are available in two distinct designs, giving them the flexibility to perform multiple fluid control activities. Proper selection and sizing of 3-way electric ball valves offer remarkable flexibility and dependable performance standards, guaranteeing safe, quick and durable flow control across industries. Implement best valve installation, operation and maintenance practices to extend the functionality of 3-way electric ball valves and enjoy dependable flow control. If in doubt, consult our valve experts at Electric Solenoid Valves for guidance.

How Does a 3-Way Ball Valve Work?

Multiport ball valves, such as the 3-way ball valve, provide numerous solutions for process control applications. These valves offer more flexibility when the application deals with more than one media. However, multiport valves can be a little confusing for someone who has not used it before. Before you learn about 3-way ball valve, make sure you figure out what a common ball valve is.

This article will guide you on what 3-way ball valves are and what their working mechanism is. We will also discuss the different types of 3-way ball valves as well as applications for each type.

What Is a 3-Way Ball Valve?

Ball valve suppliers have to come up with ball valve designs that can address multiple processes without having to install more than one valve. Hence, multiport ball valves were developed.

There are two different types of 3-Way valves with actuators to manage different flow paths &#; L-port and T-port. The ball valve is manufactured in a specific design to create either the L or T shape.An L-Port can send flow one way or the other or turn it entirely off. 

A T-Port performs all of the same flow tasks as an L-Port, except it cannot be turned off. Furthermore, the T-Port can mix flows by delivering and receiving flow to and from both sides of the Tee. Xhaval offers 3 way ball valve catalog classic designs with modern innovations.

A three-way valve has three openings which can act as an inlet and outlets at one time. The main advantage of this valve is its economic value as it can both act as a control and shut-off valve.

Advantages of the 3-Way Ball Valve

Piping set-up plays a major role in flow control using this kind of valve. Additionally, how the valve is designed also determines the flow pattern. That being said, there are two kinds: the Y-pattern and the L-pattern.

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#1. It can totally shut off the valve.

#2. It can mix two media types.

#3. It can divert the flow of media in another direction.

#4. It can split the flow of media into two separate directions.

#5. It can block the flow of one media and allow another media to flow in the same direction.

Types of Three-way Valves

Three-way ball valves can either have the L-pattern or the T-pattern. While the working is still the same, the ball configuration for these two is quite different.


The L-pattern ball valve is characterized by a port located in the middle aside from the two ports located at opposite ends.

The L-port design directs flow in only one direction at a time. Flow can be directed into two distinct exits from a single intake. In the opposite flow direction, the user can select either of two inlets for one output.


The T-pattern type is sometimes called the mixer or the 180-degree ball valve. T-Port Ball valves can also be used to direct flow between two ports to the left, right, or straight through. Because you can combine two inlets into a single exit, it&#;s ideal for mixing fluids. (Also known as Mixing Ball Valves) The opposite flow direction is also conceivable, allowing a single source to divert flow in both directions at the same time.

T Port 3 Way Ball Valve

A 3-way ball valve operates by rotating the handle, which spins a ball within the valve body, to line the cut-out channels in the ball with the valve&#;s inlets and outputs. An L-port valve&#;s &#;L&#; shaped cut-out of the ball delivers fluid through 90 degrees from one port to another.

What Is A T Port 3 Way Ball Valve

A separate valve must be added to the two opposite branches of the tee to shut off all flows on a T-port 3-way valve. To stop the flow, close the two valves and turn the ball in the 3-way valve to face the back of the valve. On each branch, a tee piece with a single valve is a better solution.

T Port 3 Way Ball Valve: Common Uses

The 3 way hydraulic ball valves serve a variety of functions in the oil and gas industry:

  • They regulate the flow of oil in upstream applications. 

  • They protect equipment in the midstream by controlling the flow of gas and oil.

  • Also designed to control the flow of high-pressure gasses and liquids with minimal pressure drop.

L-Port 3 Way Ball Valve

The L-port, L-pattern valve allows fluid to be directed to a common outlet from two different inlet ports without ever using the same inlet port. They have two inlets and a single outlet. In some applications, L-port valves can provide fluid diversion service.

What Is A L-Port 3 Way Ball Valve

The l port ball valve is a three-way valve that can direct fluids from multiple sources. The three-way l port ball valve is useful in systems where fluids are drawn into another pipe from multiple sources. The l port 3 way valve&#;s handle can easily be turned to provide a connection change to block one tank and draw from another tank of fluids.

L-Port 3 Way Ball Valve: Common Uses

The middle port of an L-port is the common port, and one of the side ports of a T-port is the common port. 

  • Divert a flow from one source tank to another source tank, 

  • Divert a flow from one source, such as switching between pump #1 and pump #2, 

  • Divert from free cooling to using a chiller due to seasonal demand.

Irrespective of which one, L-port and T-port ball valves are both useful. L-port ball valves are more common and widely available. The T-port has a lower pressure drop straight through the valve, whereas the L-port must turn a corner, resulting in a higher pressure drop. For some applications, T-port ball valves can provide greater versatility than L-port ball valves. Because they are less expensive to manufacture, economy 2 seat 3 way ball valves are typically only available in L port configuration. Xhaval manufactures and distributes any form with either metallic or plastic designs worldwide.

3 Way Ball Valve: What&#;s Its Difference From 2 Way Ball Valve

A three-way ball valve has three ports, whereas a two-way ball valve has only two. A 3-way valve can control fluid flow in three directions, whereas a 2-way valve can only control it in two. When it is necessary to control fluid flow in multiple directions, 3-way ball valves are commonly used.

Choose The Right 3 Way Ball Valve: 3 Way Valve Mixing Vs Diverting (Flow  Diagram Explained)

3 Way Valve Flow Diagram

A three-way ball valve is a type of valve that has three ports, also known as apertures. The connection between the ports features a metal ball with apertures to adjust the flow direction of the media. Fluid or gas (media) flows through the valve, and a mechanism turns the ball, directing flow from one location to another.

3 Way Diverter Ball Valve

A 3-way ball valve is a valve with three ports, often known as apertures. The connection between the ports has a metal ball with apertures to adjust the flow direction of the media. Fluid or gas (media) flows through the valve, and there is a mechanism to turn the ball, which directs flow from one location to another.

3 Way Diverter Ball Valve

A 3-way ball valve is a valve with three ports, often known as apertures. The connection between the ports has a metal ball with apertures to adjust the flow direction of the media. Fluid or gas (media) flows through the valve, and there is a mechanism to turn the ball, which directs flow from one location to another.

3 Way Mixing Ball Valve

The 3-Way Ball Valve Mixing Station is a chemical proportioner that properly dilutes three chemical concentrations to the necessary ratios and fills any sized container with diluted, ready-to-use chemical solutions.

A 3-way control valve stops water flow in one pipe while allowing it to flow in another. The valve can also combine water from two distinct pipes into one pipe or redirect water from one pipe into two different pipes in a modulating or three-point floating application.

3-Way Ball Valve Working Mechanism

Since there are two kinds of 3-way ball valves, this section discusses each of the mechanisms in detail. They are a bit different from common ball valve mechanism. The L-pattern type or the diverter valve allows the change of flow from one port to the other through the turning of the handle or actuator to 90-degrees.

Assume that the first position has the bottom port and the left port open. A quarter turn in the counterclockwise direction makes the valve divert the flow of media to the right port.

Another quarter turn in the opposite direction, making the entire rotation 180 degrees in total, blocks the flow of media as can be seen in the image above. A 270-turn would still block the flow of media. However, making the full 360-turn allows the valve to return to its original position.

In a sense, two of the three ports open at one time. This allows the valve to have two shut-off positions with three flow options.

The T-pattern is called the mixer valve because the media from two inlet flows can be combined inside the valve. It then exits to the other end. In a sense, all three ports can be opened at one time.

The T-pattern ball valve can also act as a diverter so it can also work similarly that of the L-pattern. All these are done with a quarter-turn of the handle. T-pattern cannot provide a bubble-tight shut-off but they can limit the flow to two ports or allow passage to all three ports.

As a mixer, the T-pattern ball valve can split the media to flow out from 2 opposite directions. The design allows the T-pattern to split the flow or just allow a straight-through flow pattern, just like the two-way ball valve.

For a vertically positioned T-pattern ball valve, the common port is always open. The only way that flow diverts is by turning it a quarter turn. A 180-turn will not change the flow of the media.

There are locking handles so the valves can move with a turn of the handle; however, these locks are in intervals up to 360 degrees for the 3-way valve. This is to compensate for the number of ports. Also, the port that acts as the common entry point is often located at the bottom of the valve.

The Importance of Handles

Generally speaking, ball valves have handle stops that prevents the ball valve from exceeding the 90-degree turn. This is particularly important to three-way valves because of the number of openings of the ball disc inside the valve. By providing a limited set range of motion to the handles gives more control to the amount of media that must be diverted or combined.

How Does It Differ from Two-Way Ball Valve

The two-way ball valve is primarily shut-off services. This has two openings on both which are connected to the pipes. This valve has a single straight hole through which the media passes through.

On the other hand, three-way ball valves have three connections or port. This valve is suitable for more complex control processes that the two-way variant cannot accomplish. While the two-way is more of a shutoff valve, multiport ball valves such as the three-way type provides control of media flow.


Ball valves are one of the most versatile industrial valves in the market. If you want to know more about these valves and how these can help your business, contact XHVAL for more details. Or you can also get the great manufacturers in this complete valve manufacturers guide in China.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of oem investment casting parts. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.






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