Your Position: Home - Machine Centre & Parts - 4 Best Laser Cutters For Acrylic in 2024 (All Prices)
My top pick for the best diode laser laser for acrylic under $ is the xTool D1 Pro. The 10W laser is powerful enough to cut thin acrylic (you can still cut clear acrylic sheets, but youll have to paint it first), and it has the best build quality in its price range.
If you want a CO2 acrylic laser cutter, I now recommend the xTool P2 over the alternatives. I used to recommend the Glowforge Pro and OMTech lasers, but the P2 is more powerful, cheaper, and has incredible batch processing and uneven surface engraving features that make it far better overall.
In this guide, Ill share my hands on experience with all of the best acrylic laser cutters, lay out the differences between diode and CO2 lasers, and walk you through all the factors you should consider to make the right choice.
I use my xTool P2 for all my clear acrylic laser cutting projects, and I think its currently the best CO2 laser in its price range.
Diode lasers obviously struggle with clear acrylic, but this isnt a problem for CO2 lasers, and the xTool P2 slices through 20mm acrylic in a single pass.
Heres a quick clear acrylic laser cutting and engraving project I made with the xTool P2 for a friend recently. As you can tell, theyre a big Peaky Blinders fan:
It cuts through these very quickly, and is ideal if you have a small business and produce a lot of these types of acrylic projects.
The xTool P2 also works great on slate, leather, thick wood, and metals from my hands-on testing.
It is a lot more expensive than diode lasers like the D1 Pro, but if youre a serious hobbyist and want to turn your passion into a full-time pursuit or side hustle, I recommend the P2 over the Glowforge, Gweike Cloud Pro, or OMTech Polar.
While diode lasers arent ideal generally for cutting acrylic, the xTool S1 is probably the best one Ive used for darker acrylics.
The fact that its enclosed is a big advantage for me, as the last thing I want is to be exposed to the toxic fumes from melting and cutting acrylic, and the ventilation means I can avoid coming into contact with anything harmful.
Ive tried cutting 3mm and 5mm acrylic sheets with the 20W and 40W laser heads, and both cut fine. It can cut thicker than this too, but I havent tried it on any really thick 8mm+ acrylic sheets yet. The built-in air assist is great for getting clean acrylic edges. The larger work area lets you cut signs and any other big acrylic projects without running out of space.
Just be mindful of exhaust needs and any distance sensor quirks when using the riser base with thin acrylic material. Also remember that though this feels like a half-way-house between an open frame diode and a CO2 laser, that it is still just a diode, and therefore cannot cut clear acrylics. Youll need a CO2 laser like the xTool P2 for this.
The xTool D1 10W is the best acrylic laser cutter under $1,000 in my opinion, so if youre able to spend that kind of money we recommend you opt for the xTool.
Its better overall than its closest rival, the Ortur LM3, though both are 10W lasers, have WiFi and app connectivity, and have similar work areas. I own both and have tested them against each other, and you can also read my full Ortur LM3 vs xTool D1 Pro comparison.
But the xTool is more sturdily built with steel rods and wheels and protected belts, whereas the Ortur LM3 doesnt protect the belts. The xTool can also be extended to 936 x 432 mm with the extension kit.
The xTool also comes in 5W and 20W versions:
Even with the 10W D1 Pro you can cut 1mm black acrylic sheets in a single pass, or 3mm sheets in two passes. However, if you buy your acrylic sheets from xTool, the machine cuts even thicker. For example, the D1 10w can cut 2mm black acrylic from the xTool store in a single pass. You can cut 5mm colored acrylic with 5 to 10 passes (depending on the color).
The 20W version can cut even thicker acrylic, so if youre planing on thick acrylic laser projects then the xTool is ideal, yet still doesnt break the bank. These numbers are true, too, we cut a 12.5mm thick piece of wood with just a few passes (example above) so thicker acrylic shouldnt be a problem.
xTool D1 can engrave white acrylic at 100mm/s, black acrylic at about 50mm/s, and mirrored acrylic at about 80mm/s.
For any rounded items such as mugs or glasses, you can also engrave these if you buy the RA2 rotary attachment.
Overall, I recommend the xTool as the best diode lasers under $. For a more in-depth hands-on test, you can also read my full review of the xTool D1 Pro 20W.
The OMTech 80W is the best laser for cutting acrylic since it has it all. The OMTech 80 W is much like the 50 W when it comes to robust features, but gifts you a lot more in addition.
What it shares with the 50W is a sturdy and secure build with acrylic laser engraving essentials like air assist, built-in ventilation, and a secondary LCD panel that lets you monitor electrical currents and auto-judge faults.
However, in this model, we get a few powerful upgrades. The most notable is the jump from 50W to an 80W tube, easily cutting 10mm acrylic. However, you can cut thicker if you dont mind experimenting with settings and a little quality sacrifice on the edges. You should use higher air pressure and lower speeds to cut thicker acrylic.
This machine can engrave acrylic at 500mm/s. Its the fastest on the list. So, this machine is also the best laser engraver for acrylic.
We also move from a two-way pass through system to a four-way, with back, front, left, and right doors, allowing you to work on even bigger projects.
You also get a motorized Z-axis that comes with auto lift in the AF models. So, you dont have to manually move the tray up and down. Another convenient feature is the autofocus. So, this machine automatically adjusts both the work bed and the focus.
Another plus is the Ruida controller. You can run it with RDWorks which is only compatible with Windows. Alternatively, you can also run the machine with Lightburn, which supports both Windows and macOS.
This model is all about size and power, so if you plan on working on large-scale acrylic projects, this machine will effortlessly keep up with demand.
Diode lasers can cut and engrave thin black and colored acrylic sheets but NOT transparent acrylics.
To cut clear acrylic for signage and other projects, youll need a CO2 laser. CO2s can cut clear and colored acrylic, and usually much faster than diode lasers.
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Also, since most extruded acrylic is not colored, only CO2 lasers can cut and engrave them. And since extruded acrylic is cheaper, you benefit from lowered material costs if you have a CO2 laser.
But, one trick for engraving clear acrylic with a diode laser is to first paint it black. After engraving, you can wash off the paint with the appropriate paint thinner. However, this is not a reliable solution for engraving at scale.
A 10W diode laser can cut very thin acrylic sheets, but it will do so very slowly. If youre fine with this, great! Save the money!
But, for any client jobs where you need to get through them fast, get a higher power laser, ideally a CO2. There are 40W diode laser heads for xTool diode lasers now, but Id still recommend a 50-60W CO2 for a few grand more if youre serious about your small business crafts.
To get to the ballpark of the required laser power, multiply that by 9 or 10. For example, a 40W CO2 laser can cut 5mm clear acrylic, while an 80W CO2 laser can cut up to 9mm clear acrylic.
If you need to work on large acrylic sheets, such as for sign-making, buy a laser with passthrough doors. This way, you can feed an unlimited length of acrylic through. However, the material width is still limited to the lasers working area.
Glowforges and OMTechs have pass-through doors, and the xTool P2 has a riser base attachment that lets you feed very long acrylic sheets through, as well as an automatic conveyor feeder attachment for this.
The cheapest diode lasers that can cut very thin 3mm black acrylic start at around $500, though I recommend not going cheaper than the xTool D1 Pro 10W, which costs around $699.
For a more expensive and powerful CO2 laser for cutting clear acrylic, expect to pay a minimum of $3,000, and most likely more. You can get a good CO2 laser now for around $4,000 with the xTool P2.
Though, this is just the base laser. Also consider the costs of the acrylic sheets, as well as extras for ventilation like fume extractors and air filters (you NEED ventilation when cutting acrylic due to the toxic fumes emitted).
Finally, its your choice whether you spend more on luxuries like a camera and autofocus.
Air assist both helps prevent fires starting when cutting acrylics, as well as making cut edges much cleaner. Its a must-have if your laser doesnt come with this as standard.
The lasers we discussed here have air assist, however, you can upgrade some of them if needed.
Acrylic vapor has an unpleasant smell, and while its not as toxic as some other materials (for example, cutting PVC will give off chlorine!), you should definitely still avoid it.
You have two options: buy an air extractor, or buy a laser with air filters.
However, these options require your laser to be enclosed. All CO2 lasers are enclosed and have options for fume extraction.
But, apart from the xTool S1, the other diode lasers mentioned arent enclosed. Optional enclosure accessories are available, but are an extra cost.
If youre not enclosing your laser when cutting acrylic, its best to use it outside.
Some factors affect how easy a laser is to use. Laser cutters with cameras like the xTool P2 helps with job setup and getting your design aligned on the material.
Another excellent feature is the autofocus. If you buy a laser with manual focus, make sure that the machine at least retains focus between jobs (most lasers do). This helps you when placing acrylic sheets in the laser, one after the other: you wont have to refocus the laser every time since the acrylic sheets have similar thicknesses.
Both cast and extruded acrylics are easy to laser cut, but, cast acrylic is better for laser engraving (though both cast and extruded acrylic can be engraved).
Laser engravings on cast acrylic look uniform, clean, and have better contrast. This is because cast acrylic has a very orderly crystalized geometry. You can see the grain direction in extruded acrylic after laser engraving, since the extrusion happens in one direction. Engravings on extruded acrylic appear duller, and are generally not as impressive
However, cast acrylic is also more expensive. And, if youre using a diode laser, thin and colored cast acrylic is the only option for cutting with a diode laser.
Here are some of my acrylic recommendations:
First, choose your acrylic, either cast or extruded acrylic. Cast acrylic comes in many colors, while extruded acrylic is mostly transparent with few color choices, though its cheaper than cast acrylic.
Then, prepare your design in your laser software of choice. You can use grayscale for CO2 lasers, but use threshold mode for diode lasers.
Next, adjust your settings. Use relatively low power (25-50%) and some distance in line spacing. If you use too many lines per inch, your engraving quality decreases dramatically.
After that, pull off the acrylic protective film. If youre using a diode laser, you may have to prepare the acrylic surface depending on the color. For example, you should put black paint on clear acrylic.
Next, position the laser head or use the laser camera to set up the design. Turn on air assist and fume extractors. Hit start and enjoy!
Here are some ideas for laser cutting acrylic projects:
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Naše firma působí na trhu již řadu let a zaměřuje se na prodej moderních a efektivních řešení pro výrobu v různých průmyslových odvětvích. Zajišťujeme široký výběr obráběcích a tvářecích strojů, laserových řezacích zařízení, vstřikovacích lisů a mnoho dalších technologií, které vám pomohou zvýšit produktivitu a přesnost výroby.
Díky našim bohatým zkušenostem s mezinárodním obchodem dokážeme zajistit dodávky strojů nejen po celé Evropě, ale i mimo ni. Klientům nabízíme také odborné konzultace při výběru nejvhodnějšího řešení, technickou podporu a montáž zařízení přímo na místě. Naše stroje pocházejí od renomovaných výrobců, což zaručuje jejich dlouhou životnost a vysokou kvalitu zpracování. S námi získáte jistotu, že každý stroj bude spolehlivě fungovat a přinášet maximální hodnotu vaší výrobě.
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