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Your Position: Home - Machinery Design Services - 5 Must-Have Features in a Gas Flow Meters

5 Must-Have Features in a Gas Flow Meters

Author: Justin

Jun. 17, 2024

Six Top Factors to Consider When Selecting a Flow Meter

Article | June 15, .
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Water utilities rely on accurate and dependable flow measurement for critical process controls. Regulatory agencies also require flow monitoring and reporting, with specific accuracy limits.

Flow metering technology is continually improving, and a variety of meter types and styles are available. Each flow meter application is unique, and flow meter selection should not be based on &#;low bid.&#; While cost is always important, other factors carry more weight when it comes to selecting a flow meter.

Here are six important considerations for choosing the best flow meter.


1. Understand the Process

Before specifying a meter, it&#;s important to clearly understand the entire process and where the meter fits in that process. Involve plant operators during design to discuss issues of maintenance, calibration, and access. Does flow need to be totaled? Does information need to be transmitted to a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system or be available on the Web? Knowing who will be using the meter and specifically how it will be used is the starting point.


2. Media Being Measured

The media being measured is one of the most important considerations when choosing a flow meter. Conductivity, temperature, pressure, and viscosity can affect certain types of flow meters. How clean or dirty the water is may also impact the type and style of meter.

So, the next step in choosing a flow meter is to thoroughly understand the characteristics of the flow to be measured. In an existing facility, data on the matrix should be readily available for review. Standard engineering criteria can be used for new facilities if needed.

For example, propeller meters are often used in drinking water systems, especially for measuring well water withdrawal. These velocity meters can measure fluids containing a certain amount of sand, dirt, iron, and other contaminants. However, these meters would not be recommended for raw wastewater containing stringy materials and wipes, which would foul or damage the meter.

On the other hand, electromagnetic &#;mag&#; meters are very accurate when measuring conductive materials like water and wastewater. They have no moving parts to corrode or break. Different styles of mag meters are available for specific fluid measurements, including drinking water, wastewater, and sludges.


3. Accuracy, Range, And Certification Requirements

How accurate must the flow measurement be? This depends on the meter&#;s purpose. Flow measured to control chemical feed may need greater accuracy than that used for general tracking of water treated. Flow measurement for billing purposes, such as a water supply authority selling water to a utility, must be extremely accurate.

Regulatory conditions may also apply. Most water and wastewater systems have permit limits for maximum flows and must measure and report daily flow totals. Be sure to check all existing permits for flow measurement accuracy requirements.

Measurement range and turndown rates must be considered as well. Engineers often size equipment and pipe for a 20-year growth period, which can lead to problems when current flows are much less than design rates.

Some utilities may require meters to have NSF-61, NSF-372 approvals or ISO certification. Manufacturers may also accredit their calibration laboratories through the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). NVLAP provides NIST accreditation to testing and calibration laboratories using management and technical requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC :.


4. Meter Location and Installation

Proper location and installation of flow meters are critical for providing accurate measurement. Even the most sophisticated meter will read erroneously if installed improperly. Improper installation occurs most often when trying to &#;force&#; a flow meter into an existing plant or network or make it fit in a tight site.

Flow Disturbances

Most flow meters require a specific amount of straight run pipe to prevent flow disturbances. Pipe bends, valves, tees, and reducers can create significant flow measurement errors&#;up to 50 percent for certain meters. In a new system, straight runs can usually be designed appropriately. However, sufficient straight runs may be difficult to obtain in existing systems or constrained sites. Flow conditioners may help reduce inaccuracies. Also, some meters can measure more accurately than others under these conditions.


Pipe size, material, and direction are part of the meter selection equation. For instance, downward flow should be avoided when measuring liquid. As noted previously, systems are sometimes overdesigned to accommodate future growth. In most cases, the pipe must be full for accurate measurement.

5. Reporting/Data Recording          

What information needs to be monitored and recorded, and how? Some applications require continuous recording of the flow, plus total flow readings. Do operators need event notification, such as high flow or zero flow alarms? Data must often be sent to a SCADA system. In some cases, flow meters are located remotely and need battery-powered devices.

During design, determine what type of output is needed. While 4 to 20 milliamp is most common, some facilities may need MODBUS cards or other instrumentation.


6. Consult With A Technical Partner

Flow meter manufacturers&#; representatives have a great depth of expertise. They know the right questions to ask and can recommend the best solutions for each unique installation. Use them as a trusted technical partner.

Your technical partner can help to make cost-effective decisions as well. Manufacturers can help by outlining lifecycle costs, including installation, maintenance, and calibration in addition to purchase price.

tnma are exported all over the world and different industries with quality first. Our belief is to provide our customers with more and better high value-added products. Let's create a better future together.

Most of all, your technical partner can help you choose the right meter up front rather than trying to make the wrong meter work after it&#;s installed.


What are the Most Important Factors in Specifying ...


Thermal mass flow meters (TMFMs) measure or monitor the mass flow of air, gas, or a gas mixture in countless applications. Like any flow meter technology, however, there are applications where they excel and those to avoid. Understanding how the meter deviates from other measurement technologies is the first thing to understand when considering this meter style. This article reviews the critical factors to consider when determining if a thermal mass flow meter would effectively work in an application.

Thermal mass measurement vs. other technologies

Understanding the difference between a thermal mass flow meter and other measurement technologies is the first step in deciding if the TMFM is the correct device for an application.

The primary difference between a TMFM and other technologies is that it directly measures mass flow versus volumetric flow based on heat transfer.

Gas is compressible. The gas volume changes under pressure and temperature fluctuations. For this reason, orifice plates, Venturi meters, and other Delta-P (differential pressure) devices, and turbine meters, rotary gas meters, and vortex meters require additional instruments to measure the temperature and pressure, then mathematically convert the volume to mass. A TMFM does not need separate temperature or pressure transmitters as it directly measures mass flow.

The Coriolis meter is another direct mass flow meter. It is very accurate and reliable, but it is expensive and costly to install. It also is challenged in low flow, low-pressure applications when there is pressure drop.

What is mass flow?

Mass flow is a gravimetric measurement of mass moving over time, expressed as pounds per hour, kilograms per day, grams per second, or similar units. A thermal mass flow meter expresses as standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM) or normal cubic meters per hour (NCMH).  Since these units of flow rate are standardized at specific temperatures and pressure, they resolve into mass flow units.

The flow meter manufacturer specifies the &#;S&#; in SCFH; that is, it stipulates the standard reference conditions for pressure and temperature. For natural gas applications, the &#;S&#; is generally 60° F and 29.92 inches of mercury, while for air applications, the &#;S&#; usually is 70° F and 29.92&#; inches of mercury. One SCFM of a gas (or air) at the &#;S&#; conditions represents a specific mass flow rate because there is a known number of molecules in a cubic foot of a gas (or air) at &#;S.&#; For this reason, units of SCFM, SCFH, SCFD, NCMH, are mass flow units.

Why is mass flow important?

In practicality, all medical, industrial, environmental, and commercial flow rate or totalized flow applications require the mass flow rate.

  • Medical oxygen flow rate
  • Industrial batching or weighing applications
  • Industrial processes involving chemical reactions  
  • Environmental applications, such as flare gas
  • Combustion control on a boiler or furnace for efficient operation
  • Tenant billing or sub-metering of natural gas

A thermal mass flow meter provides mass flow directly. Therefore, there is no need for ancillary temperature or pressure measurement devices to convert to mass flow. In contrast, the previously mentioned technologies require extra transmitters, along with installation and wiring for these devices, and require calculations to convert from volumetric to mass flow.

9 benefits of thermal mass flow meters

Here are nine beneficial features of thermal mass flow meters.

  1. TMFMs have a high turndown ratio of at least 100 to 1, meaning that they accurately and repeatably measure a substantially greater range of flowrates over other flowmeter technologies. Additionally, on the differential pressure (DP) meter, the transmitter accuracy degrades at low differential pressures, impacting the meter&#;s accuracy. (See table 1.)
  2. A TMFM is not affected by pressure variations since it essentially counts molecules.
  3. A TMFM has an extremely low pressure drop (would measure in inches of water). In contrast, differential pressure devices such as orifice plates and Venturi flow meters create a pressure loss that is nonrecoverable, meaning wasted energy. A Coriolis meter (the only other direct mass flow meter) has a substantial head loss, and it too wastes energy due to its inherent geometry.
  4. Most manufacturers of TMFMs offer devices with extreme low-end sensitivity, capable of even detecting a pilot light in a natural gas line. In contrast, positive displacement, turbine, vortex, and differential pressure meters are incapable of such low flow rates.
  5. TMFMs have no moving parts. The technology depends on the heat transfer passing a pair of resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) consisting of stable platinum wound sensors protected with a stainless-steel sheath. In contrast, turbine meters have bearings that would need replacement, and positive displacement meters also have items requiring maintenance.
  6. TMFMs are easy to install, particularly the insertion models, which simply require a weldolet to accept the manufacturer&#;s isolation valve assembly. Other technologies require cutting into the pipe to insert spool sections containing the flow element.
  7. Although many traditional and new gas technology flow meters provide accurate flow readings over its specified range, TMFMs offer extraordinary repeatability and reproducibility with negligible maintenance, and over a broader range.
  8. Some TMFM manufacturers offer a simple calibration verification routine to reassure the user that the meter is performing accurately without removing the flow meter from the installation.
  9. TMFMs are very economical, mainly since they eliminate the cost and installation of ancillary temperature and pressure transmitters. There are also a variety of configurations and sizes available (inline style from ¼&#; to 4&#;; insertion style for pipes 1&#; to 18&#;).
TechnologyTurndown RatioThermal Mass Flow Meters100 to 1DP Meters: Orifice, Venturi10 to 1 (at best); 5 to 1 (more typical)Turbine Meters20 to 1Vortex15 to 1Table 1.

Importance of proper installation

The location for a flowmeter installation is essential and often overlooked. Selecting a location solely based on ease of installation is often shortsighted. The end-user should consider the location&#;s flow disturbances before choosing the position for a meter, especially in the case of an insertion-style thermal mass flow meter. For this reason, give thoughtful consideration to determining the most suitable site. Ideally, a well-developed turbulent flow profile is required and achieved with an adequate upstream straight run. Otherwise, accuracy suffers.

Alternatively, some manufactures offer flow conditioning options, whether in the pipe or built-in conditioners for inline flow meters.

Once the location is selected, identify the disturbances so the manufacturer can determine if flow conditioning is required, and if so, the flowmeter would be factory-calibrated with conditioning.

Unfortunately, most piping does not have sufficient straight run, and flow disturbances arise because of fittings/couplings, expanders, reducers, valves, tees, headers, bends, filters, strainers, knockout drums, heat exchangers, regulators, flanges, and elbows. The figure on the left is useful on how to approach some common upstream disturbances.

Selecting the proper meter and specifications

Selecting the correct flow meter for an application is the only way to guarantee accuracy. Share the application requirements with the manufacturer when specifying any meter. Here are items to consider:

  • Gas or gas mix
  • Pipe size and schedule, or pipe ID
  • Insertion or inline style (NPT/flanges)
  • Integral or remote
  • Display (orientation) or blind
  • Product configuration (general-purpose, explosion-proof)
  • Accuracy requirements
  • Flow response, temperature response, temperature compensation
  • Approval requirements (Div 1, Div 2, CE, CSA)
  • Standard outputs (4-20 mA of flow rate, pulsed outputs of consumption, temperature)
  • Accessories (tags, software, special sensor material for corrosive gases)
  • Parameters to display (flow, temperature, totalized flow)
  • Communication outputs (Modbus, BACnet, HART)
  • Expected full-scale flow rate (if pulse output specify pulse rate)
  • Standard operating temperature and pressure (include ranges)
  • Mounting hardware (valve assemblies, flow conditioners)
  • A photo or drawing of the installation (optional)

Wiring Considerations

Thermal mass flow meters require power to operate, and typical options are 115 VAC, 230 VAC or 24 VDC. Some manufacturer&#;s meters require up to 20 watts to operate, which can become problematic if the power available is 24 VDC. Other manufacturer&#;s models require as little as 2.5 watts, offering the possibility of running multiple meters off of a single power supply. In any case, verify there is sufficient power available to meet requirements.

Keep in mind the following to assure that the thermal mass flow meters and the systems have sufficient wiring:

  • All TMFMs provide 4-20 mA output proportional to flow rate along with other standard or optional outputs.
  • Optional outputs may include pulsed outputs of consumption, temperature, and communication outputs such as Modbus, BACnet, or HART.
  • Consider requirements for a SCADA system, PLC, or Building Management System.
  • Is an isolated 4 -20 mA output required? If so, is the meter required to externally or internally power the output?
  • When using a remote-style meter, the manufacturer provides a transducer with the flow element as well as the remote transmitter. Some manufacturers provide the custom interconnecting cable; therefore, if additional length is needed, specify when ordering.

6 applications to avoid

Thermal mass flow meters measure most gases and gas mixes, including air, argon, biogas, butane, methane, carbon dioxide, digester gas, ethylene, flare gas, flue gas, landfill gas, nitrogen, natural gas, oxygen, propane, and propylene.

As with any measurement technology, it has its strengths and limitations. Here are some challenging applications to avoid using TMFMs unless the user exercises the noted measures.

  1. There is an insufficient upstream straight run.  An alternate location should be selected unless flow conditioning resolves the issue.
  2. If condensation develops in the gas stream, droplets may hit the sensors and create spikes causing over-reporting. In an insertion-style TMFM, if the droplets originate from the pipe (rather than in an atomized gas stream), consider angling the probe. By mounting the probe at an angle (rather than vertical), the droplets drip from the probe, avoiding the sensor. This measure generally resolves the issue.
  3. Avoid using TMFMs in widely varying gas mixtures. All NIST traceable TMFMs need calibration with the actual gas or gas mix. If the mix changes significantly, like flare gas, the heat transfer changes, and errors occur. If the mixture uncertainty (the estimated variation) is identified in advance, the manufacturer can provide a mid-range calibration and the expected error for the extreme situations. When applying manufacturer-provided K-factors, or by using manufacturer-provided software, known mixture changes often provide acceptable performance. This approach is typical for measuring biogas, and often the reduced accuracy is acceptable.
  4. Avoid using TMFMs in high-temperature applications (where the gas temperature exceeds 125°F). The electronics of an integral meter may fail if heated above 150° F. One solution is using a remote-style configuration, where the electronics board resides in the transmitter, rather than in the probe or flow body enclosure. Note, however, that even with a remote style TMFM, when gas temperatures reach 500°F, the standard insulation degrades within the sensor. Unless a manufacturer provides a TMFM specifically constructed for extreme temperatures (usually limited to 850°F), avoid high-temperature applications.
  5. Avoid corrosive gases, such as chlorine, because it damages the 316 SS sensors. Some manufacturers offer Hastelloy alternatives. In such cases, direct calibration is not possible, and surrogate gas is needed. Consequently, accuracy may suffer.
  6. Hydrogen and helium require calibration under pressure. Unlike other gases, errors occur when the gas pressure changes. This application requires a reasonably stable pressure, and the flow meter manufacturer needs to calibrate under pressure and, in the case of hydrogen, also contend with safety issues.


A thermal mass flow meter has numerous advantages over other technologies for measuring the mass flow rate and consumption of gases. Featuring wide rangeability, pressure independence, extreme low-end sensitivity, and ease of installation, they have become widely popular for countless commercial, industrial, and environmental applications. Furthermore, by offering a variety of configurations and outputs, TMFMs provide the flexibility and economy to accommodate most any type of customer&#;s gas flow application.

To use a TMFM to its fullest potential, give thoughtful consideration to the installation location, the meter&#;s flow body, and which features are best for the application.


About the author

Bob Steinberg is the founder, president, and CEO of Sage Metering. He has over 40 years of instrumentation experience. Before forming Sage Metering in , he managed thermal mass flow meter sales at Kurz Instruments, Sierra Instruments, and Eldridge Products. While at Weston Instruments, he was a product marketing engineer. He has a BSEE and a BA from Rutgers University. SageMetering.com

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Gas Flow Meters.






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