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In , the first furnace was built in the United States for making wrought iron pipe. Soon thereafter, more furnaces came into production. The demand was enormous because of the need for water distribution in fast-growing cities. Those wrought iron pipes were in small diameters and few sizes. Production was limited because iron was not available in large quantities.
The Age of Steel was born in in England, where Sir Henry Bessemer patented a process for production of steel. Development of the open hearth furnace in made inexpensive steel available in large quantities thousands of tons. Before then, steel had been available only by the pound.
The third major development was Lock-Bar steel pipe in 30-foot lengths. It was first fabricated in in New York. Two semi-circular pipe halves were joined by inserting the edges of each into two longitudinal lock-bars with an H-shaped cross section. The edges of the pipe halves were planed and up-set to a slightly greater thickness to form a shoulder for engaging the lock-bar. The lock-bar was then closed under 350 tons per foot of length.
The fourth major development was automatic electric welding. Electric welding started as a novelty in , but made great progress during the s, when welding machines and fluxes were developed. From to , approximately 7 million feet of welded steel pipe were installed. During World War II, virtually all steel production was diverted into military equipment, arms and armament.
Steel pipe has been used for water lines in the United States since the early s (Elliot ). The pipe was first manufactured by rolling steel sheets or plates into shape and riveting the seams. This method of fabrication continued with improvements into the s. Pipe wall thicknesses could be readily varied to fit the different pressure heads of a pipeline profile.
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From available records, steel pipelines installed more than 100 years ago are still in service. A significant percentage of that steel pipe is still serviceable. Many of those old pipelines were replaced only because larger pipelines were needed to meet the demand for piped-in water and other piped-in services. The demand for pipes was felt worldwide, but was especially acute in industrialized nations.
Steel water pipe meeting the requirements of appropriate AWWA standards can be used for many applications such as:-
Other Steel Pipe Applications:
Steels respond to a variety of heat treatments that produce desirable characteristics. These heat treatments can be divided into slow cooling treatments and rapid cooling treatments. Slow cooling treatments, such as annealing, normalizing, and stress relieving, decrease hardness and promote uniformity of structure. Rapid cooling treatments, such as quenching and tempering, increase strength, hardness, and toughness. Heat treatments of base metal are generally mill options or ASTM requirements.
Established in , the Metallica Metals Group has its operations spread across major cities in India. We are a pioneer in the stainless steel pipes, seamless steel pipes, carbon steel pipes and alloy steel pipes manufacturing and processing industry. Our products are exported to over 70 countries across the world, while in India we have supplies to even the remote areas. With over 250 tons of sale in stainless steel and carbon steel pipes every day, Metallica has emerged as a prominent vendor for many buyers in India and Overseas.
We procure significant quantities of materials from Indian carbon steel pipe mills and overseas manufacturers of stainless steel pipes. Given our extensive network for sourcing the best quality goods at most competitive prices, we are a preferred seller of steel products for various turnkey projects in India and Worldwide.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Steel Pipeline.
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