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Your Position: Home - Saw Blades - What is the difference between a diamond segmented blade and a diamond turbo blade?

What is the difference between a diamond segmented blade and a diamond turbo blade?

Author: Shirley

Mar. 27, 2024

When it comes to cutting through tough materials like concrete, granite, or other hard surfaces, diamond blades are an essential tool. However, not all diamond blades are created equal. Two common types of diamond blades are diamond segmented blades and diamond turbo blades. While both are designed to cut through tough materials using diamonds embedded in the blade, there are key differences between the two that make each suited to specific tasks.

Diamond segmented blades are the more traditional of the two types of blades. These blades feature small segments of diamonds set into the edge of the blade, separated by slots or gullets. These segments are designed to wear away during use, exposing fresh diamonds to continue cutting through the material.

One of the key advantages of diamond segmented blades is their versatility. These blades can be used for a wide range of materials, from concrete to asphalt to brick. They are particularly effective for cutting through thicker materials, as the segments help to keep the blade cool and prevent it from warping or bending.

What is the difference between a diamond segmented blade and a diamond turbo blade?

However, one potential drawback of diamond segmented blades is their speed. Because the segments are designed to wear away during use, these blades can sometimes be slower than their turbo blade counterparts. Additionally, the segments can sometimes leave rough edges on the material being cut.

Diamond turbo blades, on the other hand, feature a continuous, serrated edge with turbo segments that help to quickly remove debris and heat from the cutting surface. This design allows for faster cutting speeds and can result in smoother, cleaner cuts. Turbo blades are often preferred for cutting through softer materials like marble or ceramic tile.

One of the key advantages of diamond turbo blades is their speed. The continuous edge design allows for faster cutting speeds, making these blades ideal for projects that require efficiency. Additionally, the turbo segments can help to reduce heat buildup during cutting, prolonging the life of the blade.

However, one potential drawback of diamond turbo blades is their limited versatility. These blades are best suited for cutting through softer materials and may not perform as well on thicker or harder surfaces. Additionally, the continuous edge design can sometimes lead to chipping or breaking of the blade if not used properly.

In conclusion, the choice between a diamond segmented blade and a diamond turbo blade ultimately comes down to the specific needs of the project at hand. Diamond segmented blades are versatile and durable, making them a great choice for cutting through a wide range of materials. Diamond turbo blades, on the other hand, offer faster cutting speeds and cleaner cuts, making them ideal for projects that require efficiency.

Regardless of the type of blade you choose, it is important to ensure that you are using the appropriate blade for the material you are cutting. Improper blade selection can lead to inefficiency, damage to the material being cut, and potentially dangerous conditions. Consulting with a professional or doing research on the best blade for your specific project can help ensure that you achieve the best results.

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